A. Yates

We have always done a May Pole.  It is pretty and fun even if it doesn't quite go like it "supposed" to.
Wreaths would be nice, but I don't have any daisies.  Hmmmm.....
I really like the idea of May Baskets too.  We are going to make Fairy Baskets.  Should be a huge mess, but fun.  I  bought seeds, but I think I'm going to go out and get a few plants too.  It's hard to wait for seeds.
Thanks for the ideas....

MorelFam@... wrote:

In a message dated 4/24/00 3:51:52 AM, Unschooling-dotcom@egroups.com writes:

<< celebrating May Day >>

wouldnt it be fun to make flower wreaths for little heads and i wonder how
hard that maypole thing is where you attatch streamers to the top of the pole
and each child holds the end of one, then they go around the pole weaving
them down...  sounds pretty or picturesque anyway!  the other thing i have
heard is to make may baskets to secretly leave at the door of someone...
which could be a nice service opp. for the group.  ooops, i think you asked
for games?  owell.

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Nanci and Thomas Kuykendall

>We have always done a May Pole. It is pretty and fun even if it doesn't
>quite go like it "supposed" to.
>Wreaths would be nice, but I don't have any daisies. Hmmmm.....
>I really like the idea of May Baskets too. We are going to make Fairy
>Baskets. Should be a huge mess, but fun. I bought seeds, but I think
>I'm going to go out and get a few plants too. It's hard to wait for
>Thanks for the ideas....

This is all so wonderful! And so very Pagan and in line with the way that we celebrate spring. Have fun and be joyful!

Nanci K.

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A. Yates

Well, we did our May Pole.  The kids had a blast.  Ok, so did the adults.  We had a wonderful May Day.  Thanks for everyone's ideas....

Nanci and Thomas Kuykendall wrote:

>We have always done a May Pole.  It is pretty and fun even if it doesn't
>quite go like it "supposed" to.
>Wreaths would be nice, but I don't have any daisies.  Hmmmm.....
>I really like the idea of May Baskets too.  We are going to make Fairy
>Baskets.  Should be a huge mess, but fun.  I  bought seeds, but I think
>I'm going to go out and get a few plants too.  It's hard to wait for
>Thanks for the ideas....

This is all so wonderful!  And so very Pagan and in line with the way that we celebrate spring.  Have fun and be joyful!

Nanci K.

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if you can get true wholesale prices? Check out our FREE REPORT..."The 7
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