Is anyone involved in medieval re-enactments? My son has expressed strong interest, but the local groups say that it has to be a family affair...meaning we all have to join. I am not particularly interested, but I am considering it so my son can get involved. Just wondering if anyone is involved in this type of activity? I wondered about the time commitment that is involved.

This leads me to another question...how involved do you get in order for your child to pursue their interests? This re-enactment thing is totally my son's idea, but in order for him to do it I would have to. I just wondered how you handled this sort of thing.


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In a message dated 10/8/03 3:31:37 PM, schorsewoman@... writes:

<< My son has expressed strong interest, but the local groups say that it has
to be a family affair...meaning we all have to join. >>

Well, it means that someone from your family has to go with him, not that the
whole family has to go.

If you went for a while you might find another family he hits it off well
with, and then he could go with them. But if you're talking about the SCA, the
groups isn't equipped to handle kids at camping events, and many events are
camping. For local meetings, dance practice, arts things, if there are any, he
might be able to be dropped off and picked up.

-=-Just wondering if anyone is involved in this type of activity? I wondered
about the time commitment that is involved. -=-

I am not much personally involved lately, but did it hugely for 25 years. It
can take all your time, or just a little.

You'll need to make costumes for him and you. Nowadays you can buy them. Go
online and search. Chivalry Sports and some other places sell Renaissance
shirts and hats and such. There are sewing patterns now commercially available
now too.

I still make costumes for my kids, and I help them pack, but pretty much they
go with their dad anymore.

Maybe I'll get in the mood again.

They went LOTS (whole family) with us when they were little.

But truly, if you go to stuff for six months or a year with him, you might
find some other people he really likes who like him and who you trust with him.
There are forms to fill out when you send your child with someone else to an
event. We've taken as many as five other teens with us sometimes. We
haven't done it with littler kids, though.
