Sonia Ulan

Hey Bridget,

You know I'm starting to think of some options along those lines too!
(re: foster children or adoption)
Wow, can I relate to the baby addiction! It's unbelievable to me how
many of my cohorts - many of them past 40 yr.- who are still holding out
for another baby. (I'm not yet there but give me a moment...) I think
some of us are just "baby machines" and it's what makes us happiest.
Even as a child I used to love everyone else's babies. Being only 7 or
8 myself I'd ring the neighbours' doorbells asking if I could take their
babies on walks. And I'd just want to sit and cuddle those babies and
very young children. It was such fun! I've travelled, have almost 2
degrees, have various talents/abilities/social connections and have had
all kinds of "worldly experiences", yet babies are still my number one

BTW, I'm Sonia Ulan (my maiden name)...S.Ulan...SULAN!!!
I think Sulan must be a real name on it's own as I've tried using it as
a password or user name on some sites and get refused that it's already
taken. Our family has traced back our family tree to Gengis Khan, and
other "royal ties" to Mongolia. (Capital city: Ulan-Bator) For
centuries though, our ancestry has been of Ukrainian descent.

You didn't ask for all that but I thought I'd pass on some history.
(Turns out Princess Diana was a descendent of Gengis Khan too!)


bctswim@... wrote:
> Sonia,
> I always think of you as being named sulan b/c of your e-mail.! LOL!
> Anyway,my dh and I decided we will have to do foster care if there is any lag
> time between our kids being grownup and grandchildren arriving! We are
> addicted to babies!
> Bridget
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