
ROFL and I call myself a writer! Fallacies not fallicies! Thank The Lord my
emails are spell checked! I just wished they checked the subject line!!!!!!

That is a fallacy..... writers know how to spell<g>


> >From: unschoolr2@...
> >Reply-To: Unschooling-dotcom@egroups.com
> >To: Unschooling-dotcom@onelist.com
> >Subject: [Unschooling-dotcom] unschooling fallicies?
> >Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2000 01:47:12 EDT
> >
> >Hi all, I am working on an article on the common myths or misconceptions
> >about unschooling and unschooling families. We have all heard the very
> >sad.... If left to there own devices kids would just sit and watch TV or
> >play
> >video games all day. What are some others that you have heard?
> >Thanks
> >Teri

How about, they can never learn beyond what I can "teach" them or they have
to have textbooks to learn from.


Teri, I have been told that I "can teach" my own kids bc I was a teacher by
profession, but that someone w/o that background would have more trouble...
Also, I was told my a homeschooling couple that I could "get by for now" w/o
buying a curriculum pkg since my kids were so young, but as they got older I
would need to buy one.
Karen in Ind


This Letter was full of info, thanks:) scary info but info nonetheless!

Teri Brown
Suite101 Unschooling Editor
Assistant Editor For Voices,
The Journal of the National Home Education Network www.nhen.org
Columnist For The Link: A Homeschooling Newspaper
Homeschooling - Christian Unschooling - Natural learning


I couldn't help but chuckle when I read your response because I do wear sandals, I am a vegetarian, and although I don't consider myself a hippie, a lot of other people might:)
----- Original Message -----
From: A. Yates
Sent: Monday, April 17, 2000 3:00 PM
Subject: Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] unschooling fallicies?

That all homeschoolers wear sandals, are vegetarians, and hippies.

BandLHaney@... wrote:


> >From: unschoolr2@...
>  >Reply-To: Unschooling-dotcom@egroups.com
>  >To: Unschooling-dotcom@onelist.com
>  >Subject: [Unschooling-dotcom] unschooling fallicies?
>  >Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2000 01:47:12 EDT
>  >
>  >Hi all, I am working on an article on the common myths or misconceptions
>  >about unschooling and unschooling families. We have all heard the very
>  >sad.... If left to there own devices kids would just sit and watch TV or
>  >play
>  >video games all day. What are some others that you have heard?
>  >Thanks
>  >Teri

How about, they can never learn beyond what I can "teach" them or they have
to have textbooks to learn from.

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Tracy Oldfield

Hahahaha!!  I went to a LLL District Conference recently, where I 'networked,' as one does, as is a functon of such events.  The following weekend we happened to be in the neighbourhood (within 5 miles) of someone I'd got chatting with, so we dropped in for a visit.  Her 18yo daughter arrived from minding their shop and discovered it was brown rice for tea.  'La Leche League Food!' she exclaimed.  We then made a big list of the League stereotypes, can't remember them now cos I'm tired, but it's so familiar, anyone seen to be on the fringe gets tarred with the same brush.  And actually, I wear sandals, in Summer, but I love steak and chips.  I love reading, but we have a big tv with dolby sound system, specialist hi-fi with vinyl collection intact and two computers, one with Internet connection.  Oh, the conflicts!  This family can't possibly be doing something as radical as unschooling!!
Diatribe over :-)
----- Original Message -----
From: A. Yates
Sent: Monday, April 17, 2000 11:28 PM
Subject: Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] unschooling fallicies?

Hee...  Heee....  Amy,
I wear sandals too.  I am mostly vegetarian, but I'm too young to be a hippie!  (33)
:)  But, I wouldn't mind being called one.


I am sorry you are leaving as I love to read your well thought-out posts.