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Happy birthday Jake and Marji!

<<This coming Sunday?! Me, too! (Well, not 13; 46 actually). Happy
birthday, Jake!!! How cool!

Marji >>

Marji, thanks again SO much for helping with the Marty / Weird Al / Star Wars
/ American Pie singalong, and thanks to all those who merrily sang along.



At 13:27 9/26/03 -0400, you wrote:
>Happy birthday Jake and Marji!


>Marji, thanks again SO much for helping with the Marty / Weird Al / Star Wars
>/ American Pie singalong, and thanks to all those who merrily sang along.

Oh! That was so much fun!!! Liam and I are STILL singing that song. I
wonder if Shyrley and Heather still are, too!

Thanks to you, Sandra and Marty, for being so cool with Liam to let him
stand up there and wave his light saber around during the tune. It meant a
lot to him (he spent a great deal of the time leading up to it practicing
in the other room).


P.S. To Shyrley: Liam wonders when Heather can come and play here at our