[email protected]

In a message dated 4/14/00 9:15:53 PM, [email protected] writes:

<< I am on

baby number five! >>

tanya, me too! only i have the fortunate experience of being a part of a
very welcoming-toward-new-life family (and friends,) so i get mostly
encouragement. two families close to us have even had vasectomy reversals,
realizing --they felt-- that they had said "no" to a GIFT quite
prematurely... thought i'd pass some on to you-- go girl!

[email protected]

In a message dated 4/15/2000 2:15:53 AM, [email protected]

<<So then I decided that I was POD from invasion of the body snatchers

You know the pods that they had they developed into humans (but were really


Love this. We have a similar joke. When my husband's feet aren't cold (a
rare occurence), I demand "What have you done with my real husband! You may
look like him, but I know you are a POD person! You don't fool me!"
