Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] Digest Number 508
B & T Simpson
><<mine would prefer i wear a barrel so she can restis
>assured that my 4 children won't have any new brothers/sisters!>>
>hehe, i have never heard it put this way (the barrel!) and i am sorry mom
>not encouraging the new grandchildren she could have... sounds like youare
>able to keep your sense of humor about it and know she doesnt have much sayMy mother thought two was really enough for anyone to want ha ha ha, I am on
>in it!
baby number five! it doesn't really have the surprise impact on her when I
tell her any more!
I have been pregnant 7 times! usually if I say guess what? they say uh your
she has gotten over it but really doesn't get why I would want to be home
with them either! even my sister is now concidering homeschooling well at
least she is passing the thoughts thru her head! but she is afraid what my
mom will say to her as well, I told her just read alot about it feel
confident that you are doing what you think is best and listen the way she
often does in one ear and out the other! then go home and say what a pitty
for her she just doesn't get it!
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