[email protected]

[turns out I had sent this to a list that doesn't exist! <bwg>]

Julie this is SWEET!

<< One summer I was with my grandparents and they bought me a

craft project. That night I lay in bed terrorized by the prospect of

failure again. I couldn't sleep and got up to tell my grandparents

that I felt guilty for buying a craft I might never complete. It was

after 11 p.m. My grandfather got out of bed and said, "Let's

complete it right now." I was shocked! He said, "This is important

to you and I've got the time to help." We worked on it for several

hours into the night and I kept that little project for years as a

reminder that with help, I could complete projects. I was cured. >>

HOW wonderful.

I've gotten up at night sometimes when a kid needed something, but never that

I happened to be up the other night because I couldn't sleep, and Marty had
cramps in his leg in his sleep and wasn't waking up, so I woke him up because
he was whimpering and twitching, and helped him stretch his leg. I was
glad, then, that I had been up at 4:00 a.m. Before that it seemed dumb and
wrong to be up, but sometimes up is better whether we know it or not.
