[email protected]

In a message dated 8/15/03 1:37:35 AM, warblwarbl@... writes:

<< Sandra, weren't those the books you mentioned in your last HEM column as
sitting on the shelf? You never know... >>

There doesn't seem to be a solid cool page on Henry Treece, but I found this
in a review at Amazon UK, the page about a Poul Anderson book called "The
Broken Sword."

Poul Anderson was one of the earliest SCA members (and then went away to
become a famous author). Keith might have that book. But the Henry Treece
mention is BIG:

"P.S. I agree
with the earlier reviewer who mentioned Henry Treece, another
writer who came before Tolkien and in my opinion did the job a
whole lot better."

I had read six Henry Treece books in Jr. High, and never got hold of Tolkien
until I was in college.
