J Salicos

Brooke how old is your DD? Mine is 12 would that work?
Jill...in NJ

--- libbygirl <libbygirl@...> wrote:
> Sonia,
> Thanks so much for the reply but with a younger
> brother permanently in "the
> dogbox" I think she would prefer a girl to write to!
> LOL But thanks again
> Namaste
> Brooke

Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

[email protected]

Hey! I think that's a great idea! Maybe the kids could hook up with each
other as pen pals. They could learn about each other's hometowns and
practice their typing and spelling skills! Sounds like a great unschooling
project! My 11 year old daughter would love this. Jackie

[email protected]

In a message dated 4/7/00 6:33:24 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
phrowzen@... writes:

My girls are also looking to chat online with someone. Our eldest
daughter will be 14 in less than a month, and our youngest
daughter is 81/2. >>
I know my oldest (11) would like to. Let us know when!



Attention Colleen,
We have ICQ too and if we can co-ordinate times Jessie would LOVE to chat
online!! Please Email me privately and I will pass on our ICQ number.



[email protected]

My dd is also 81/2 , she has been looking for someone to chat with too. That
channel sounds like a good idea.
