Ron and Stephanie

Unfortunately in third world countries, the mothers often CANNOT lactate for
the POOR diet that they suffer from. So, even when nursing, they are
starving their babies.

As I said in a private post to Kim, I feel great that I will be even
expressing milk for the next baby! That is a big YES! My dh will be able to
relish in those precious bonding moments where he can feed baby too.

I feel that since this is a hot topic, that I will go back into a lurk
mode. It is every person's choice to breast/bottle feed, and I think that
since I would have died if I continued nursing 2 times (I was hemorrhaging
to death), I have a right to NOT nurse in that fear alone. I know that
BREAST MILK is very important for a baby, but since my dd was so ill and
ended up on Nutramigen, I question if I would have been able to nurse her at
all. The ex kept it from being an option, but I do wonder...

Thank you all for you opinions, for they do show how determined you all are
about your feelings. This is truly a good example of how we are all
unschoolers, we are all different.
