Dan Vilter is doing a presentation at the HSC conference in Sacramento this
coming weekend trying to help other families loosen up about television, and
see the merits of watching TV with kids, and some things to be learned from TV.

He's not on this list, but I want to help him collect some good recent
examples--recent like last week if possible. It's rough, being still summer and
re-runs, but if anyone has a good TV experience from the past few days, would
you please consider posting it here?

Not only could it help Dan help lots of other families, maybe some of the
readers here are still undecided about TV.


Lillian Haas

This is probably not the sort of example he'll want to use, but my
11-year-old son has learned an incredible number of cultural references from
The Simpsons and Family Guy. The writers of those shows throw in history and
current events and classic movies and books and so much more. Because he
loves these shows, he wants to understand everything, so what he doesn't get
he asks us to explain. It keeps happening in conversations with other people
and in reading things in the newspaper that I'll try to explain context to
him only to discover that he knows exactly what's being discussed.

Now Family Guy, especially, is also crude and sometimes downright
"inappropriate for children," so I'm not recommending that everyone go out
and buy the DVD. It is also hysterical, and I've made peace with Alex's love
for it (my husband and I love it too -- can you tell?).


In a message dated 11/08/2003 05:42:02 Pacific Daylight Time,
SandraDodd@... writes:

> , but if anyone has a good TV experience from the past few days, would
> you please consider posting it here?

not sure if this is what you are after, but the other night ds 7.9 and i were
watching Martha Stewart(sp?) and she did a show on seafood. It included a
spot on a company that buys fish from a large market. we talked about auctions
and bidding, she talked to a woman lobster fisher; ds wanted to look for the
book she wrote. Martha cooked some live lobsters, ds was indignant that they
would suffer so, Martha said they did not feel it, we both talked about how it was
still cruel.He spent some time thinking of ways to humanely kill the
lobsters. We thought of cool crafts he would like to do inspired by thid show. all
spent cuddling together. We live far from the ocean but ended feeling like we
had been there.

lots of dialogue since then.
Sorry about the poor quality of typing, one hand still. Glad Martha was there
to help me out<G>
Nancy in BC

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