
In a message dated 8/10/2003 6:22:31 AM Eastern Standard Time,
fetteroll@... writes:

> That's true here and probably true of every group. The people who come here
> seeking just information don't care if they're part of some "inner circle"
> or fit in or not.

I think you touched on the heart of it.

My life revolves around my children, my family. I come here because I need
ideas, help, inspiration. But my life is my home, my family, our farm, art,
music. That's where I get my "self worth" and good feelings about myself. I
don't look to a group of people I've never met (IRL) to fulfil my self esteem
and to make me feel included.

It just happens that if you post, banter back and forth, joke, and share
without taking anything personally, your self worth and good feelings WILL grow.
How can they not, when you're learning to relax, trust, and be a kinder and
gentler parent? Then you won't feel like an outsider because you "get" what the
long-timers so passionately have "gotten" for years.

Nancy B. in WV

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