[email protected]

Kathy and Erin, when I was a teacher I had a discount card that I used at
mostly teacher supply stores. This was just a little paper card and did not
have a picture on it. It did have my school address on it, though, and I
did have to show it when I made a purchase, as the store kept a record of
which school had made use of the card.
Recently I got a free discontinued wallpaper book. The sales lady told me
they were free to "teachers". I told her that I "teach" my own kids, and
she did not charge me- (although it would have only been a dollar). Anyway,
there was a question about making a card--I would caution you about making
one that looked too"professional", or if you made one, maybe you could make
it clear that it is a home educator's card, just so you could not be accused
of trying to be an "imposter". Possibly your support group could design a
card and check with some local stores to see if they would set up an
agreement to honor these discount cards. If you are not in a support group,
maybe you could talk to some store managers and see if they would be willing
to work with you personally--they might even have a form that you could fill
out and show each time you shopped there. Well, good luck to you both!
Karen in