Heather Hall

This is sad, and I can't imagine losing a baby. At any age. {{{HUGS}}}
On Thursday, August 7, 2003, at 09:52 PM,
Unschooling-Discussion@yahoogroups.com wrote:

>> This is so true, Kelly. My second son died from meningitis when he
>> was
>> 12mos 22days old three years ago.
> I'm so sorry for your loss, Shannon.
Heather, mom to
Harriet 12.15.99
Crispin 01.25.02

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Nancy Liedel

No one should EVER bury their child. Gene and I (husband) lost a little one
to prematurity 6 years ago and I miss Ben to this day. Good things came out
of it, we adopted our older boys and I don't even want to think for one
second what life would be like without them.

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Dave and Shannon

I totally agree that good does come out of everything. For instance, we
wouldn't have Quinn right now if it hadn't been for Carsten passing over.
Dh had a vas and after Carsten passed, he had it reversed. That is a
miracle in itself. My condolences to you too, Nancy. ((((((hugs)))))

Shannon Buckley
Mom to Connor 3-15-97, Carsten born at home 4-27-99/5-19-00 and Quinn born
at home 8-08-02

-----Original Message-----
From: Nancy Liedel [mailto:naliedel@...]
Sent: Friday, August 08, 2003 7:55 AM
To: Unschooling-Discussion@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [Unschooling-Discussion] Losing Babies

No one should EVER bury their child. Gene and I (husband) lost a little one
to prematurity 6 years ago and I miss Ben to this day. Good things came out
of it, we adopted our older boys and I don't even want to think for one
second what life would be like without them.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Backstrom kelli

I just want to say that I have never lost a child so I cannot truly empathize but it is so wonderful that you both are able to share these experiences here. Your children are very lucky to have you both. I am so sorry for your losses and so heartened by your gains. Kelli

Dave and Shannon <davenshan@...> wrote:I totally agree that good does come out of everything. For instance, we
wouldn't have Quinn right now if it hadn't been for Carsten passing over.
Dh had a vas and after Carsten passed, he had it reversed. That is a
miracle in itself. My condolences to you too, Nancy. ((((((hugs)))))

Shannon Buckley
Mom to Connor 3-15-97, Carsten born at home 4-27-99/5-19-00 and Quinn born
at home 8-08-02

-----Original Message-----
From: Nancy Liedel [mailto:naliedel@...]
Sent: Friday, August 08, 2003 7:55 AM
To: Unschooling-Discussion@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [Unschooling-Discussion] Losing Babies

No one should EVER bury their child. Gene and I (husband) lost a little one
to prematurity 6 years ago and I miss Ben to this day. Good things came out
of it, we adopted our older boys and I don't even want to think for one
second what life would be like without them.

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I'm glad people are able to talk about this. I don't know how you all are
"surviving". My parents lost a 7 week old baby (31?) years ago to spinal
menigitis. I was 5 at the time. I remember very little about my young childhood,
but I have vivid memories of the night my dad found her in bed.

To this day, I MISS MY LITTLE SIS very dearly. I'm the only one (well,
besides one aunt) who knows where she is burried, exactly. My parents didn't want
to know at the time, so we didn't (and, Catholics don't hold that tradition
anyway) go to the grave site. And actually, she's burried on the plot of my
great grandparents. There are 3 other babies in the grave (they used to do that,
too, but, they don't do that anymore). We always thought there were only 2
others in the grave, but, when I went to the Cemetary, oh, I don't know, 18
years ago, to find exactly where she is (no grave marker & didn't know where my
great grandparents were), I was told about the 3rd. Now we know who it is.
The baby was the child of a neighbor friend of my grandparents. When the baby
died, they didn't have a plot nor could they afford one at the time (same as my
parents), so my great grandma let them put the baby on their plot. I would
love to get a tomb stone for my sister, unfortunately, I can't. We have to
have the WRITTEN permission of ALL of the families w/babies in that plot; we can
only track down 3 (including us) of the 4 :-(. We don't know where the
surviving family members of the neighbor are.

When I was a little kid, I had these dreams about my little sis (Lydia Sue).
I used to dream (almost everynight for a while up to the age of 10 or so, and
then reoccuring well past my 20's) that Mary (mother of Jesus) would be
standing there, and in her arms was my sis.

I know some of you are not religious, and I'm not trying to throw my beliefs
at you. Just wanted to share my story. I really feel for all you parents. I
know how I felt being the sister, so I KNOW it must be harder for the rest of
you. My thoughts (prayers if you want them) to ALL OF YOU & YOUR FAMILIES!

PS: I just went to visit my lil-sis a few weeks ago; it had been years.

We forfeit three-fouths of ourselves in order to be like other people.

~Arthur Schopenhauer~

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Nancy Liedel


I don't know about anyone else but I thought that was really nice and not
religious at all. My mom had 7 premature babies in the late 50's and early
60's then she adopted my sister and I (yes I am adopted and I adopted
children). I am not sure how my mom did it because it would have killed me.
I look at Herne and I think about the son I lost and I know all is as it was
meant to be. But some days I miss Ben a great deal.

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