Re: breastfeeding rants was Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] champagne moment...
Tracy Oldfield
here's another one, growth charts for breastfed babies, (the
others were mostly compiled in the 60's and 70's when most babies were bottlefed
from birth) from WHO studies...
IMO, promom is a great site for breastfeeding info and
tracy- I can't help but put my 2 cents in-I have nursed 4 children and am a
LLL Applicant too and can't read that breastmilk is good but not superior to
bottlefeeding without getting a knot in my stomache b/c it is just plain
wrong scientifically! Mother's milk is not only the perfect food b/c it is
species-specific to meet all nutritional needs (some that we have not even
"discovered" yet) of babies, but a mother's body makes the perfect milk for
her own baby and the perfect milk for the specific time of the day her baby
is nursing and the composition of the milk changes even within one single
feeding-thinner and thirst-quenching in the beginning and more fat content to
satiate hunger toward the middle to end of the nursing session! Amazing, huh?
But I have never even suggested other mothers I know-IRL or online-nurse. It
is none of my business what they choose!
LLL Applicant too and can't read that breastmilk is good but not superior to
bottlefeeding without getting a knot in my stomache b/c it is just plain
wrong scientifically! Mother's milk is not only the perfect food b/c it is
species-specific to meet all nutritional needs (some that we have not even
"discovered" yet) of babies, but a mother's body makes the perfect milk for
her own baby and the perfect milk for the specific time of the day her baby
is nursing and the composition of the milk changes even within one single
feeding-thinner and thirst-quenching in the beginning and more fat content to
satiate hunger toward the middle to end of the nursing session! Amazing, huh?
But I have never even suggested other mothers I know-IRL or online-nurse. It
is none of my business what they choose!