Tia Leschke

> I'd love to hear your success stories in allowing your children to unfold
> and trusing that they will eventually enjoy or perhaps have an inkling of
> interest in things like reading and figuring things out with numbers.
> My son is an intelligent, sweet boy who has grown up being read to
> He adores being read to, he just has not interest in reading. He also is
> not very skilled - reads very, very slowly without any degree of fluency.
> I'm fighting the urge within myself to 'go to the authorities' and have
> 'tested', etc. I'm trying to remind myself that he is unique and he will
> bloom in his own time, but I need some support!

This isn't exactly a success story, but I can tell you what happened when I
gave in to those fears about my son at almost 12 and forced daily phonics
practice on him. He did learn to read, but he also learned to dislike
reading. He even stopped letting me read to him.

Chin up. He'll do it.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin