
"Instead of being so preoccupied with one upping one assault with
another, why not attempt to make change or simple agree to not agree
without verbal lashings. Just like the point of my first
point...completely ignored. "

Instead of being so preoccupied with the way other people post, why don't ya just post the way you think is best?

This list has been around for years and years....these comments come through once in a while, by folks that haven't been here long enough to really understand the flow.
This is a discussion list. Which means ideas will get dissected and talked about in depth. If you post in support of something the list in general does not agree with, it will get dissected, yes.
Spanking doesn't cut it here.

Instead of anyone defending anyone else, let's just talk about why spanking is or isn't a good idea? so far there has been a ton of good information on why it isn't a good idea.

Here's the thing that bugs me,
this poster that is causing all the hoopla, has been homeschooling since, what...MARCH? And now going towards unschooling.
I think there is a lot to be learned about natural learning and unschooling and trying to defend bad practices against people with years and years of experience is not very useful.

Instead of folks defending practices that are disrespectful to children, how about saying "Hmmm, I never thought of it that way I'll have to ponder this".

When a person comes here bent on defending things that oppose natural learning/gentle parenting philosophies, they are going to feel more attacked as we break down the ideas. But a person coming here to LEARN, to understand more, will be given all the time and patience in the world. I've seen it happen over and over and over.
I've had it done with myself.
An attitude of wanting to learn is hugely different than a person that wants to prove the list wrong.
If the point is to prove this list wrong, why join it?
