Tracy Oldfield

A slightly hung-over mum and dad (after commiserating over the last ever episodes of DS9, aired last night over here) wake to being asked for milk and to make fox masks.  Kids get up and head in their room for a little while, told to tidy up so there's room to do fox masks, mum gets up and showers, dad gets up and shaves, dad gets himself coffee, gets his stuff together and goes to work, mum gets breakfast.  Tells kids to tidy floor in room so mum can vac up.  Papers, pencils and stencils sorted and put on shelves.  Kids go downstairs, told it would be a good idea to tidy their counters off the floor.  Mum vacs upstairs, goes downstairs when finished to find the floor totally clear (videos, newspapers, magazines and clothes all piled on sofas)  This is a total surprise, and I'm grinning from ear to ear!!  Not bad for a 4&1/2 and a 3&1/4!!
A happy but hungry mum, on her way to make lunch :-)