Alan & Brenda Leonard

7/3/03 05:40:

> You and me both Brenda. Where'd you go? Whatcha see? I went down to GA
> and come back to this. I was quite surprised and sad about some of the
> comments made too. :-( I'm thinkin' about moving over to the message boards.
> They don't move so fast and I may be able to help out and actually post some
> more there.

Stop reading now if you're the jealous type. <g>

Tim and I flew to Venice, Italy, and took a cruise to Dubrovnik, Croatia,
Olympia and Athens, Greece, several Greek Islands, and Istanbul, Turkey. We
stopped for a brief visit to Bologna on the way back to the airport. It was
great, these are all places you see pictures of or read about but never
dream of going to.

I'm bringing photos with me when I come to the states this summer, and I
promise to not constantly have them out, but they'll be in my hotel room at
the conference if you'd like to see them, Barb.


Barb Eaton

Oh I will, I will. :-) Hey do you have the Mississippi coin from last
year? I came across a Louisiana today I'm saving it for you. Still looking
for the others. :-)

Barb E
"I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position
that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while
trying to succeed"-- Booker T. Washington

> 7/3/03 05:40:
> I'm bringing photos with me when I come to the states this summer, and I
> promise to not constantly have them out, but they'll be in my hotel room at
> the conference if you'd like to see them, Barb.
> brenda