
In a message dated 3/31/00 6:51:42 AM Eastern Standard Time, sulan@...

You mentioned trying to get pregnant for 7 years. Though I know of
several mild conditions that go undiagnosed and can affect fertility, I
thought I'd share a quick and easy experiment with you. It took us 3
years of solidly trying and being devoted to the calendar and cycles
etc. for me to get pregnant. A tip that a specialist offered me, as it
had just appeared in a study documented in the Journal of Medicine, was
taking a daily low-dose of Aspirin. Heck, it can't really hurt to try,
can it? Apparently, there are many women who actually are conceiving
but the uterine wall is hostile to implantation. Either too thin or too
thick for the newly-developing fetus to nestle in. Aspirin, with its
recognized blood-thinning abilities, can apparently solve a lot of those
problems. Meanwhile, many women don't even know they're pregnant
because we miscarry so early we just assume it's a usual period. As
well, aspirin can also help keep the fallopian tubes free-flowing for
the same reason. There can be irregularities or inconsistencies that
impede the process of ovulation. Since I've learned a bit about this
and shared my info with others, 2 acquaintances have become pregnant.
(I like to think this idea helped.) >>

Sonia, we had a very similar situation. I had 4 miscarriages between my 2
older daughters. They found some ANA irregularities as well as a hormonal
imbalance. I was on baby aspirin, progesterone and Clomid when I got
pregnant with my almost 7 year old.

And then, out of the blue, we had a surprise baby at age 43! :)



Dear Jackie,
I was just reading the posts regarding infertility, and I want to share
that after I got married I was on the pill for about 6mos, but did not like
some aspects about it, so went off-- for the next 10 yrs, we never got
pregnant! We adopted our oldest child in 1994, after going through the
pregnancy with the birth-mom. We were not on a list or anything. My husband
is a police officer; One winter night while on duty he was flagged down by
this young girl whose car was broken down. Unable to restart her car, he got
permission from his sgt. to drive her to her home . On the way to her home
she explained that she was pregnant, and that she was planning on an
abortion. She asked him if he was married, and if so, if we had children.
He told her that we didn't, and she asked him if we would consider adopting
her baby, as she really didn't think she could really go through an abortion
(Thank God). So, from that point, we went to all the prenatal appts., etc...
and we were in the delivery room on the big day!
Seventeen mos later, I became
pregnant, and I was 31 years old, and married for over 10 yrs. I firmly
believe God had a plan, and that I was not to become pregnant until my
adopted son came into my life first. I still tear up as I relive all the
memories of how all this came to be. It is such a blessing to become
parents, however it happens. Well, anyway, I got to experience nursing with
my 2nd child, and he ended up nursing for about 2 yrs. A month after he was
completely weaned, I got pregnant again! Now I have my daughter, who is 6
1/2 mos old. I cannot express the gratitude I feel for being blessed so, and
who would have guessed this was to be for me-- the one who seemingly could
not become pregnant. Please know that there is a plan for you ,too, and
while I'm not trying to preach , I would like to say that place your faith in
God, and trust Him to take care of your needs. He knows and loves you very
much! Karen --
Grateful mom of 3 (My life changed so much-- we were duel-income-no-kids
"dinks", then in 5 yrs. became parents 3 times over. When it rains, it


Thank-you so much for taking the time to write! I really appreciate
it. It's funny, I have tried so many things, and then 4 months ago, I
decided I had had enough, and my dh and I started adoption proceedings!
Well, since then, I have gotten so much new advice on enhancing fertility!
It is almost funny! Don't they say, "the minute you stop looking for
something, it finds you "? And, after some of the things I've done, an
asprin-a-day is a walk in the park! Thanks~~ jackie
[ We have decided to continue to try to conceive and continue the
adoption and see which one comes first!]