
Hi Michelle,
I agree that you can make yourself sick literally with all sorts of
feelings . I have read alot about that kind of stuff and found it fasinating.
I try to laugh alot seems to work for me. Everybody is my house is
sick......except for me.Hahaha. I think they also take way too much
medication I wont touch an aspirin unless I feel like Im dying. My husband on
the other hand could get stocks in pharmacy. I think he has a medicine for
every known ailment.LOL He gets sick all the time , where I on the other hand
never (knock on wood) get sick. I tease him about it all the time. Glad your
enjoying your garden I tried to start one last spring. NO Green Thumb here!!
Oh well the thought was there that was one ailment I did get POISON IVY! Oh
my gosh I was miserable for weeks , I had it bad.



"It is the disease itself that heals us...of things we would not
imagine we are ailed of" !!!!! That is so true! I love that line! As I
look back on my journey thru infertility, I definitely see the pain: BUT- I
also see the gift! The things I have learned, the people I have met, the
experiences that I have allowed myself to be open to, I really don't think
would have been part of my life if I hadn't had the pain of infertility to
push me. I have learned so much- I am sooo patient now where I used not to
be, I never take one moment of my daughter's life for granted, I appreciate
the wonderfulness of my friends who have stood by me in times of grief, I am
definitely more sensitive to other people's pain, and I am much less
judgmental than I ever was. And these are only a handful of the gifts I
have received along with the infertility. Although I would not have chosen
this for myself, I would not trade the experiences I have had for anything.
I also realize that I would not be who I am today without this trial and I am
very glad to be who I am! jackie


In a message dated 3/31/00 1:34:15 AM Central Standard Time,
earthmagik@... writes:

<< this thread on MS, chronic Fatigue,Lupus,, and many others has been very
interesting..lots of positive suggestions...I wonder if people have a
Naturapath in their area? I know it has been a very hard road to find a
doctor that is good...both personally related, and medically..Actually we
have had such bad experiences with doctors it lead us to seek out educational
oppurtunities in healthcare..such as self care..and in the process we learned
alot about taking our wellness into our own hands instead of leaving it to
the not so expert-Experts..who knows you best but yourself. >>

I agree with you 100 % ! All the doctors wanted to do was put me on
pain medications and Prozac and Elavil (which are antidepressants). I got
very frustrated with doctors after being poked and prodded for a couple of
years. I tried to find a Natural Health Doctor, but when I called the State
medical people (because I wasn't having any luck), they told me that it was
illegal in Indiana. I decided then to study up on things myself. I have
read books from the library over the last few years and have taught myself
nutrition and natural medicine. I have changed my diet and excercise, plus I
have started using herbs and natural medicines. I still have alot to learn
though! But it fits in great with our unschooling lifestyle :-).
We are putting in a large garden this year. I started tomatoes and
green peppers a couple of months ago indoors and will transplant them soon.
My 14 yr. old started tomatoes, green peppers, and lettuce. He wants his own
garden this year, so between the two of us, we will plant green beans, corn,
carrots, eggplant, turnips, green onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, green peppers,
lettuce, and some herbs. We have also been busy planting apple trees, peach
trees, grape vines, blueberries, a crabapple tree, a silver birch, and 2
different types of oak trees. We are having a blast! We have also started a
flower garden. I am really getting anxious to get it all started!
Well, I have already talked much longer than usual. Bye!