Re: [Unschooling-dotcom]was Re: OT--allergy testing for eczema; organics and ...
In a message dated 6/26/2003 11:15:19 PM Eastern Standard Time,
glad2bmadly@... writes:
start the thread on eczema/food allergies/healthy eating, I have loved it and
learned so much. And at least for me, it is VERY unschooling related. My
hands (last summer) got so bad I had to go for days doing nothing...couldn't
garden, cook (any food made my hands burn) shower,...even holding a book would make
them itch. Forget rubbing a kid's back or my husband's...and I was just
plain miserable. I'd like to talk even more with you about your transition. It
sounds like something I really need. We have a small farm and grow a LOT of
our own food with absolutely no pesticides/herbacides at all. It takes a long
time, but I just pick bugs and bug eggs off the plants, and let the chickens
run through the garden once a week or so for about an hour and pick bugs and
I am into day 3 of no milk, no wheat, no tomatoes, no strawberries, no eggs,
no soy,...when I get ready to eat something I think whether it was mentioned
as an allergen and avoid it. I have had to shear sheep though, but I don't
think that (wool and lanolin) bothers me because for the past 3 days or so my
hands seem to be healing and are so soft. Probably the only think I can't avoid
is dust/dust mites. Our house is INCREDIBLY dusty (open walls, we're doing
construction) but I've had this eczema forever (as a kid I had it terribly on my
feet) and never before now lived in an extremely dusty house.
Thanks for sharing your story. I may email you, with your farming techniques
you sound a lot like us and what we're trying to establish at our homestead.
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glad2bmadly@... writes:
> To make a good case for my belief in homeopathy and eating organically IMadeline, thanks for sharing that very informative post. Although I didn't
> should have talked about my own transformation. Still only anectodal, but I
> feel compelled to share my story.
start the thread on eczema/food allergies/healthy eating, I have loved it and
learned so much. And at least for me, it is VERY unschooling related. My
hands (last summer) got so bad I had to go for days doing nothing...couldn't
garden, cook (any food made my hands burn) shower,...even holding a book would make
them itch. Forget rubbing a kid's back or my husband's...and I was just
plain miserable. I'd like to talk even more with you about your transition. It
sounds like something I really need. We have a small farm and grow a LOT of
our own food with absolutely no pesticides/herbacides at all. It takes a long
time, but I just pick bugs and bug eggs off the plants, and let the chickens
run through the garden once a week or so for about an hour and pick bugs and
I am into day 3 of no milk, no wheat, no tomatoes, no strawberries, no eggs,
no soy,...when I get ready to eat something I think whether it was mentioned
as an allergen and avoid it. I have had to shear sheep though, but I don't
think that (wool and lanolin) bothers me because for the past 3 days or so my
hands seem to be healing and are so soft. Probably the only think I can't avoid
is dust/dust mites. Our house is INCREDIBLY dusty (open walls, we're doing
construction) but I've had this eczema forever (as a kid I had it terribly on my
feet) and never before now lived in an extremely dusty house.
Thanks for sharing your story. I may email you, with your farming techniques
you sound a lot like us and what we're trying to establish at our homestead.
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****Thanks for sharing your story. I may email you, with your farming techniques
you sound a lot like us and what we're trying to establish at our homestead.
My farmer husband recommends Elliot Coleman's New Organic Gardener. He says to get the most revised edition. Now I'm worried I left something outof the title, and he's at the market. This should find it for you though. It has a lot about hoop houses which might be a good idea with such a short growing season (aren't you Nancy from B.C.?) You can also e-mail us anytime with questions. He has learned a lot by just doing it, for 11 years. Hang in there with the food. You've given up a lot! My dh had eczema on his feet as well when he had it as a child and when he would eat really badly as an adult. That must be horrible. I know salt water helps as well. I hope you are able to find a homeopathic Dr. My MIL does consultations with people all over the world by phone if you can't find anyone there. E-mail me privately. But seeing someone in person would def. be preferable, I would think.
Do you Yahoo!?
The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
you sound a lot like us and what we're trying to establish at our homestead.
My farmer husband recommends Elliot Coleman's New Organic Gardener. He says to get the most revised edition. Now I'm worried I left something outof the title, and he's at the market. This should find it for you though. It has a lot about hoop houses which might be a good idea with such a short growing season (aren't you Nancy from B.C.?) You can also e-mail us anytime with questions. He has learned a lot by just doing it, for 11 years. Hang in there with the food. You've given up a lot! My dh had eczema on his feet as well when he had it as a child and when he would eat really badly as an adult. That must be horrible. I know salt water helps as well. I hope you are able to find a homeopathic Dr. My MIL does consultations with people all over the world by phone if you can't find anyone there. E-mail me privately. But seeing someone in person would def. be preferable, I would think.
Do you Yahoo!?
The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo.
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In a message dated 6/27/2003 5:55:46 PM Eastern Standard Time,
glad2bmadly@... writes:
short...seems like there's a tiny window of time we can get things in or it's
too late.
I think I have heard of that book. I really like anything on Permaculture.
I did have the huge Permaculture Manual by Bill Mollison, but it was like a
science textbook and I could never get past the first chapters. So I sold it
and got, instead, the Introduction to Permaculture book which is much more user
My hands were feeling great for about 3 days, then I started going through
files, shelves, drawers, etc doing some heavy duty decluttering, and they're
itching again. I'm thinking it might have to do with all the ink and chemicals
on the papers. Still, it's nothing like it had been. I was well on my way to
ending up like I did last summer at the beginning of this week and knew I had
to do something. Thanks again for the help.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
glad2bmadly@... writes:
> My farmer husband recommends Elliot Coleman's New Organic Gardener. HeActually I'm the Nancy from West Virginia. But our growing season is pretty
> says to get the most revised edition. Now I'm worried I left something outof
> the title, and he's at the market. This should find it for you though. It
> has a lot about hoop houses which might be a good idea with such a short
> growing season (aren't you Nancy from B.C.?)
short...seems like there's a tiny window of time we can get things in or it's
too late.
I think I have heard of that book. I really like anything on Permaculture.
I did have the huge Permaculture Manual by Bill Mollison, but it was like a
science textbook and I could never get past the first chapters. So I sold it
and got, instead, the Introduction to Permaculture book which is much more user
My hands were feeling great for about 3 days, then I started going through
files, shelves, drawers, etc doing some heavy duty decluttering, and they're
itching again. I'm thinking it might have to do with all the ink and chemicals
on the papers. Still, it's nothing like it had been. I was well on my way to
ending up like I did last summer at the beginning of this week and knew I had
to do something. Thanks again for the help.
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