> Dylan would like that.
> He has a plunger collection and a kind of plunger obsession.

Welcome to my world!!!
Thank God you can get them for a buck at the dollar store!
Jimmy has at least ten, maybe more. Big ones, little ones, black ones,
orange ones, and my all time favorite (even though it cost a bit more) a green one
with a crystal sculpted plastic handle.
We take at least one each time we get in the car. We check the bathroom in
every store to see if they have one.
They stick really good to the glass cover on the bathroom light. They suck
the tiles right off the kitchen floor. They stick to each other. They can be
used to unhook the chain lock on the door. Yep, you can never have enough
I can't BELIEVE that someone else has a "thing" for plungers. That is too
Mary J

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cris trainor

>>>>Big ones, little ones, black ones,
orange ones, and my all time favorite (even though it cost a bit more) a
with a crystal sculpted plastic handle. <<<<<<

movie: punch, drunk, love with adam sandler as owner of plunger business;
not really a great movie for little ones tho.


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