In a message dated 6/21/03 10:04:33 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
tmthomas@... writes:

> Strand them in the woods and they'd starve as they argued with the
> squirrels.

They'de be marooned!..


OK , admittedly, that was natter.

Here some stuff of substance.

Landon got his first car yesterday! He bought it ( with a loan from his
Grandpa) from my sister. He has been working about 35 hours a week this summer.
Anna has also been working on the farm about 12 hours a week. She has
saved up quite a good chunk of money.

Let's see, does any of that have to do with unschooling? Hmm, let me see,.
Anna has learned a lot on the farm about trees ( how to trim different kinds,
how to identify different kinds) animal habitats ( bees nests, snake holes,
mouse nests, etc), safety around heavy equipment,. She has learned how to keep
track of her hours and figure her salary. She has learned how difficult it
is to work for her Grandpa.. and also how fun it is to work for her Grandpa...(
yes, a real dichotomy). Gosh, I am sure she has learned probably a lot more
than I am aware.

Ethan helps on the farm occasionally, picking up roots, rocks or pulling
weeds. He needs constant supervision though.. If someone is not nearby to
remind him, he will stop working and just zone out. He likes making the money,
but he often forgets Grandpa won't pay him for sitting on a rock. As long as
someone else is there working with him, he's fine. But you can't give him a
job and just leave him to do it. He just got a new gameboy advance and he
wants some new games, so his motivation for working is pretty high right now.
He has also learned how to figure his salary so he knows exactly how many
hours he needs to work to get his new game.

JP is still going to karate 3 times a week.. He is testing for his yellow
belt next Saturday. He is very excited!.

We are getting the puppies ready to find new homes next week. They are
growing beautifully. They got thier 2nd dose of worm medicine today and they are
getting their shots next week. We have all learned a lot about puppies with
this litter.

Thats our unschooling life update.


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