Off Topic-Chronic Fatigue and other illness
Dear Susan, Tammy, Teresa and anyone else who wants info on CF,
The info that i want to share with you comes from a book called
"Human Condition: Critical." It is written by a man named Dr. Luc
deSchepper. He is an MD Ph.d, acupuncturist and classical homeopath. I had
the great privilege of having this man as my Dr. for a few years and I can
say he is a genius at what he does. He has written many books and teaches
homeopathy at a medical college to traditional dr.s. In case you are
unfamiliar - homeopathy is a 200 year old medicine based on the belief that
like cures like. If, for example, you are stung by a bee, then the venom
from a bee taken in an infinitesimal amount [called a '"remedy"] will boost
the body's own immune system into healing itself. I can personally attest to
the miracle of homeopathy as I have been using it for 10 years.
Anyway, I was rereading Dr. Luc's book the other day when I noticed all
the info on CF and other auto-immune diseases. I knew that I had recently
"met" someone on the internet with CF and I really want to help. I will
Quote some of the info to you here and if it sounds like something you would
like to know more about, I would say try to get the book. I got it in my hf
store but I am sure B&N has it. Also the book explains the whole concept of
homeopathy which would also help.
One of the basic philosophies of homeopathy is that the physical
symptoms often begin with some emotional trauma. Many people will say "I
have never been quite right since."------ .. In homeopathy, that incident
which preceded the beginning of an illness is very important. I have a
friend who came down with Lyme's disease and eventually MS - all after her
divorce. I know a woman who was diagnosed with breast cancer 6 months after
moving away from friends and family in Iowa to NJ. Not everyone who
experiences emotional trauma will develop serious illness - but many people
are sensitive to begin with and these people may become ill. When the body
is having difficulty handling grief or anger or loss, etc., they lose their
vital energy thus allowing illness in.
Here is a quote from the book, " We need to look at the patient when
he was in his beginning stage of the disease, and try to get an idea about
his simple change of state before his health was compromised. How can we
expect to treat the disease in an intelligent way if we do not know what the
beginnings are?... In Chapter 4 I outlined many emotional factors leading to
a state of chronic exhaustion. [ hearing bad news,broken heart, nursing loved
ones, guilt feelings, business failure, lost ambition & disappointment,
loneliness, jealousy, home-sickness,etc.] "All of them are possible
causative factors of CFIDS and need to be repaired with homeopathic remedies
if we want to be successful in fighting this disease. ...Don't forget, we
view this diseased state as a decrease in vital energy. Once this energy has
reached a certain low level, the patient is susceptible to viruses, bacteria,
yeast and parasites, which are consequences Not causes."
There are a few more pages on CFIDS and other illnessess after
this that you can read. Also, dr. Luc says that he covers CFIDS in his other
book, "Full of Life" which I do not have. The main difference between
homeopathy and western medicine is that the homeopathic physician is more
interested in the symptoms of Each individual patient; not their diagnosis.
2 people with CFIDS will probably not get the same remedy.
I hope this helps somebody: I really feel I was led to read this book
to help someone. It is a book that I own and I have already read, yet I was
compelled to pick it up again just a few days ago. If anyone needs more info
I would be glad to help if I can. I personally KNOW the power and miracle of
homeopathy and would be happy to help someone else make the same discovery!
The info that i want to share with you comes from a book called
"Human Condition: Critical." It is written by a man named Dr. Luc
deSchepper. He is an MD Ph.d, acupuncturist and classical homeopath. I had
the great privilege of having this man as my Dr. for a few years and I can
say he is a genius at what he does. He has written many books and teaches
homeopathy at a medical college to traditional dr.s. In case you are
unfamiliar - homeopathy is a 200 year old medicine based on the belief that
like cures like. If, for example, you are stung by a bee, then the venom
from a bee taken in an infinitesimal amount [called a '"remedy"] will boost
the body's own immune system into healing itself. I can personally attest to
the miracle of homeopathy as I have been using it for 10 years.
Anyway, I was rereading Dr. Luc's book the other day when I noticed all
the info on CF and other auto-immune diseases. I knew that I had recently
"met" someone on the internet with CF and I really want to help. I will
Quote some of the info to you here and if it sounds like something you would
like to know more about, I would say try to get the book. I got it in my hf
store but I am sure B&N has it. Also the book explains the whole concept of
homeopathy which would also help.
One of the basic philosophies of homeopathy is that the physical
symptoms often begin with some emotional trauma. Many people will say "I
have never been quite right since."------ .. In homeopathy, that incident
which preceded the beginning of an illness is very important. I have a
friend who came down with Lyme's disease and eventually MS - all after her
divorce. I know a woman who was diagnosed with breast cancer 6 months after
moving away from friends and family in Iowa to NJ. Not everyone who
experiences emotional trauma will develop serious illness - but many people
are sensitive to begin with and these people may become ill. When the body
is having difficulty handling grief or anger or loss, etc., they lose their
vital energy thus allowing illness in.
Here is a quote from the book, " We need to look at the patient when
he was in his beginning stage of the disease, and try to get an idea about
his simple change of state before his health was compromised. How can we
expect to treat the disease in an intelligent way if we do not know what the
beginnings are?... In Chapter 4 I outlined many emotional factors leading to
a state of chronic exhaustion. [ hearing bad news,broken heart, nursing loved
ones, guilt feelings, business failure, lost ambition & disappointment,
loneliness, jealousy, home-sickness,etc.] "All of them are possible
causative factors of CFIDS and need to be repaired with homeopathic remedies
if we want to be successful in fighting this disease. ...Don't forget, we
view this diseased state as a decrease in vital energy. Once this energy has
reached a certain low level, the patient is susceptible to viruses, bacteria,
yeast and parasites, which are consequences Not causes."
There are a few more pages on CFIDS and other illnessess after
this that you can read. Also, dr. Luc says that he covers CFIDS in his other
book, "Full of Life" which I do not have. The main difference between
homeopathy and western medicine is that the homeopathic physician is more
interested in the symptoms of Each individual patient; not their diagnosis.
2 people with CFIDS will probably not get the same remedy.
I hope this helps somebody: I really feel I was led to read this book
to help someone. It is a book that I own and I have already read, yet I was
compelled to pick it up again just a few days ago. If anyone needs more info
I would be glad to help if I can. I personally KNOW the power and miracle of
homeopathy and would be happy to help someone else make the same discovery!
Shannon Brophy
I got to hear
Dr. Luc
de Schepper speak, and I have a friend who studies in his school and have
read his book too. He says that homeopathy is truly effective for ADD kids
by looking at them as unique individuals and identifying physical, mental,
and especially emotional symptoms and then precribing a remedy. I wanted to
mention that
Chronic fatigue and other illness can be caused with wheat allergy. Celiac
sprue (spelling?) disease means that those who suffer have to really cut out
all wheat and lots of other things like spices that have additives, and even
licking stamps-in order to get better. It is often missed by medical people
as a possibility, and can be tested for.
Forgive me if it has been mentioned as I haven't been following the
discussion closely.
Dr. Luc
de Schepper speak, and I have a friend who studies in his school and have
read his book too. He says that homeopathy is truly effective for ADD kids
by looking at them as unique individuals and identifying physical, mental,
and especially emotional symptoms and then precribing a remedy. I wanted to
mention that
Chronic fatigue and other illness can be caused with wheat allergy. Celiac
sprue (spelling?) disease means that those who suffer have to really cut out
all wheat and lots of other things like spices that have additives, and even
licking stamps-in order to get better. It is often missed by medical people
as a possibility, and can be tested for.
Forgive me if it has been mentioned as I haven't been following the
discussion closely.