sam centrone

Shannon CC,
Hello! I'm from way down south - Cape May County. If you ever
head down this way I can tell you some great places to see.
Keep in Touch,

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In a message dated 3/30/2000 12:11:27 AM Eastern Standard Time,
shannoncc@... writes:

Kimberly, just curious, where in NJ? I am in Union, Union County (near
Newark and Seton Hall U). >>

Just wanted to say I'm here in NJ too -- Middlesex County.


Shannon CC

Wow, we do have lots of NJ hs-ers! :-) We do live in a great state for
hs-ing, huh? No, they don't help you much, but they don't get their
noses in your business either!

I mailed away to the NJ Unschoolers Network (do I have that name
right?). I got some contacts for people in my area, but I have not
contacted anyone yet. DD is only 17 m/o, so I'm taking my time. I just
thought it would be nice to see what's in my area.


kayelle42@... wrote:
> I think New Jersey is well represented on this list! So far, there are
> people from Cape May, Middlesex, Union, & Monmouth Counties! Too bad we
> don't all live around the same parkway exit! ha ha {New Jersey joke}
> jackie