Annette Naake

I have lurked a while on this list and learned a lot, and now I feel
compelled to jump in!


I read with admiration your description of your day with your seven children
-- it sounds like they are learning a lot and having a great time. But
looking through the schedule, I see that early in the morning you have half
an hour to exercise (with kids nearby) and then you don't get any time alone
again til 10 pm, when you can take a bath and read. That is a long day! I
have 2 kids, 1 in ps first grade, the other is 2 years old and not in school
yet.... I also work and I often find myself feeling drained and tapped out.
What do you do to recharge your batteries? Is time alone to think, shop,
pamper yourself a little important at all? Do you always feel obligated to
wait until everyone else's day is over before you do something for yourself?
I would like to hear from any and all on this subject. How do we get time
alone and away from the kids, husbands, housework, etc. to do things for

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