
<But I would also say to my husband or friend, "try this, you might
like it"
if there were something new or different offered and he/they had
gotten any,
they might have just over looked it.

Isn't that they way it is with LOTS of new things? We see/hear/taste
something that we think our children MIGHT enjoy so we tell them
about it and let
them make their own decision?>

I agree with this part. My sister had to coax me into trying
Japanese sushi rolls. Even though there was nothing raw, I was
seriously turned off. Anyway, she talked me into it and I love them
now. I could eat those things every day. But again, I think it
comes down to personality. There are some people who are more
*convincable* than others. Like I mentioned in a previous post (gih,
I am days behind!), my 4yo is completely unconvincable. In fact the
more you push, the more he would run.

Olga :)