Roof tops on cars OT?
I know this sounds dumb but im going to ask anyway...
Does anyone have vanity plates on their cars?
I will be reregistering my car at the end of this month and I want a good
I can use 7 letters or numbers (6 if I go with a vet plate).
Anyone have any "Unschooling" plate suggestions? I don't want to put HMSL3kiz
or anything that says just Homeschooling I want a cool unschooling plate.
Unlike my email that I need to change cuz it too School-at-Home sounding
I know this may sound totally stupid but I am choosing to do this over a
sticker I think.... Who knows I may find the right sticker and slap it on. I
scream from the roof tops when I can but this I think would be pretty cool to have
on there.
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Does anyone have vanity plates on their cars?
I will be reregistering my car at the end of this month and I want a good
I can use 7 letters or numbers (6 if I go with a vet plate).
Anyone have any "Unschooling" plate suggestions? I don't want to put HMSL3kiz
or anything that says just Homeschooling I want a cool unschooling plate.
Unlike my email that I need to change cuz it too School-at-Home sounding
I know this may sound totally stupid but I am choosing to do this over a
sticker I think.... Who knows I may find the right sticker and slap it on. I
scream from the roof tops when I can but this I think would be pretty cool to have
on there.
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In a message dated 6/11/2003 5:11:31 PM Eastern Daylight Time, HMSL2@...
marker to make a long mark over the U---so they know we're not into boats! <G>
But then I have all the stickers too. <G> There's not a day in a week that
we're out and about that someone doesn't ask me about it. We were parked at a
movie last month and found a business card on the windshield that said "John
Holt rocks! Please call so we can discuss unschooling! WOW!". <G>
They're coming to the conference! <g>
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> I know this sounds dumb but im going to ask anyway...We have UNSKULN but next time I'll probably get UNSKOOL. I use a blue
> Does anyone have vanity plates on their cars?
> I will be reregistering my car at the end of this month and I want a good
> plate.
> I can use 7 letters or numbers (6 if I go with a vet plate).
> Anyone have any "Unschooling" plate suggestions? I don't want to put
> HMSL3kiz
> or anything that says just Homeschooling I want a cool unschooling plate.
> Unlike my email that I need to change cuz it too School-at-Home sounding
> I know this may sound totally stupid but I am choosing to do this over a
> sticker I think.... Who knows I may find the right sticker and slap it on. I
> scream from the roof tops when I can but this I think would be pretty cool
> to have
> on there.
marker to make a long mark over the U---so they know we're not into boats! <G>
But then I have all the stickers too. <G> There's not a day in a week that
we're out and about that someone doesn't ask me about it. We were parked at a
movie last month and found a business card on the windshield that said "John
Holt rocks! Please call so we can discuss unschooling! WOW!". <G>
They're coming to the conference! <g>
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In a message dated 6/11/2003 5:30:40 PM Eastern Standard Time,
kbcdlovejo@... writes:
Wow , thats awesome!
I try to show people there is another way,so get it some dont.
I ahve a friend who is going to Homeschool I ahve promoted Unschooling when I
could . She called me today and told me she bought the abeka curicculam for
next year. That way if it doesnt work out her kids can go back to private
school and wont be behind the following year. UGH!!!! I wanted to say well you
probally will cuz it isnt going to work! RRRRRR I didnt.....I want to make sure
she knows mine says Unschooling!
Hubby tells me if I want the new Lobster plate or Vet it has to be six so
somehow I have to make this plate sound like it says. That's all I can think of
is Unscol,Unskol but I don't want to promote that can't spell comment I keep
hearing about the JC Penny shirts.
Laura D
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kbcdlovejo@... writes:
> But then I have all the stickers too. <G> There's not a day in a week thatmovie last month and found a business card on the windshield that said "John
> we're out and about that someone doesn't ask me about it. We were parked at a
>Holt rocks! Please call so we can discuss unschooling! WOW!". <G>
> coming to the conference! <g>~Kelly >>>>>>
Wow , thats awesome!
I try to show people there is another way,so get it some dont.
I ahve a friend who is going to Homeschool I ahve promoted Unschooling when I
could . She called me today and told me she bought the abeka curicculam for
next year. That way if it doesnt work out her kids can go back to private
school and wont be behind the following year. UGH!!!! I wanted to say well you
probally will cuz it isnt going to work! RRRRRR I didnt.....I want to make sure
she knows mine says Unschooling!
Hubby tells me if I want the new Lobster plate or Vet it has to be six so
somehow I have to make this plate sound like it says. That's all I can think of
is Unscol,Unskol but I don't want to promote that can't spell comment I keep
hearing about the JC Penny shirts.
Laura D
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**But then I have all the stickers too. <G> There's not a day in a week
that we're out and about that someone doesn't ask me about it. We were
parked at a movie last month and found a business card on the windshield
that said "John Holt rocks! Please call so we can discuss unschooling!
WOW!". <G>
They're coming to the conference! <g>**
That's so cool! I'm thinking maybe you also need a *sash* (like Miss
America) that says "Ask me about the unschooling conference." <bweg> It
sure would be attention getting.
that we're out and about that someone doesn't ask me about it. We were
parked at a movie last month and found a business card on the windshield
that said "John Holt rocks! Please call so we can discuss unschooling!
WOW!". <G>
They're coming to the conference! <g>**
That's so cool! I'm thinking maybe you also need a *sash* (like Miss
America) that says "Ask me about the unschooling conference." <bweg> It
sure would be attention getting.
In a message dated 6/11/2003 6:18:09 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
ecsamhill@... writes:
~Kelly, figuring which color!
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ecsamhill@... writes:
> That's so cool! I'm thinking maybe you also need a *sash* (like MissDon't tempt me. Betsy! <G>
> America) that says "Ask me about the unschooling conference." <bweg> It
> sure would be attention getting.
> Betsy
~Kelly, figuring which color!
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In a message dated 6/11/2003 6:18:09 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
ecsamhill@... writes:
across the country advertising the conference! <BWG>
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
ecsamhill@... writes:
> That's so cool! I'm thinking maybe you also need a *sash* (like MissAnd Ben wanted to know how many of you have seen the plane I've hired to fly
> America) that says "Ask me about the unschooling conference." <bweg> It
> sure would be attention getting.
> Betsy
across the country advertising the conference! <BWG>
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
** And Ben wanted to know how many of you have seen the plane I've hired
to fly
across the country advertising the conference! <BWG>
I think I must have "seen" it, at least subliminally. <g> Nothing else
would explain the sash notion.
to fly
across the country advertising the conference! <BWG>
I think I must have "seen" it, at least subliminally. <g> Nothing else
would explain the sash notion.