[email protected]

I'm resending this because it seems to have got lost in cyberspace...sorry if
it's a repeat. Thanks.

Sorry all this doesn't really have anything to do with unschooling (though many
will argue that everything does), but the reason I'm posting this on here is
because I know there are many on here with chronic diseases. I went to the
doctor last week with many many symptoms and he told me it was probably just
mild fibromylgia (would hate to see severe) but ran some test anyway. My ANA
titer came back a high positive. Doctor said he was surprised, he was
expecting all tests to be normal. Anyway does anyone here know what diseases
this might indicate. Before the test we were concerned that it might be MS,
but now think it's probably lupus, there's a family history of lupus too. My
doctor doesn't seem to think I fit the criteria, though my mom, who's an RN
does. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone here knew of any other diseases that
an abnormal ANA test might indicate. And do people with MS have abnormal ANAs?

Many thanks in advance,

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