[email protected]

at a used curriculum sale?

5 chapter books (8-12 yr old range for me to read aloud)
Usborne puzzle books math, spelling, grammar
Braids & Bows
Timon & Pumba video
Compound word wrap ups (the 6 yr old who doesn't read begged for these, I can

see that I need to get him some ability appropriate ones for him-in fact all
the kids think they are pretty cool)
Power Glide -German (9 yr old dd wants to learn German - was so excited that
I purchased this for her!)
Math work book (9 yr old wants some harder math problems)
Usborne how to make simple crafts
Rocks & Minerals (yes mom I really need this book I promise I'll use it <g>)
Clutters Last Stand & 365 Easy Ground Meat recipes (for me!)

As we were leaving we hit a burger joint for lunch and we ate outside. The
boys got to run around a bit and my dd and I talked about our purchases.
She told me what a cool mom I am, and she said its not just because you
buy me stuff! So I said why am I cool? Because I don't force them to learn
things. Because she knows that if she doesn't want to learn German after
all she can quit at anytime. She knows that not all moms would feel
the same way. We feel quite lucky to have each other ; )

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