

here's some info from

Gas Out

            Participating in a "gas out" will help bring the retail price of gasoline down.

            Status:   False.

            It didn't work last year, and it won't work this year. See our Pain in the Gas page.

here's an excerpt from their 'Pain in the Gas page':

Origins:   It's time for the second annual "gas out," the same non-event that was staged last year, though this time
       stretched out to cover a three-day period instead of just the one day (April 30) in 1999.

       Even those who are usually level-headed and have little problem waving off the emotions of the moment to see through to
       the logical inconsistencies of whatever the latest bit of rabble-rousing is pushing are having a hard time with this one. Gas
       prices are much higher than we're used to seeing them, and perhaps this triggers horrible memories left over from the oil
       embargo of the 1970s. Whatever the reason, those whose blood is boiling over current gas prices are determined to see as
       a legitimate boycott what's nothing more than a misdirected expression of anger.

       By definition, a boycott involves the doing without of something, with the swearing off of the boycotted product held up as
       tangible proof to those who usually supply the commodity that consumers are prepared to do without unless changes are
       made. What the gas-out calls for isn't a swearing off of gasoline, but of buying gasoline, and that's a key difference. The
       same amount of gas will be run through the cars of the "boycotters" during the gas-out even if the gas isn't purchased on
       those days. Because consumers aren't planning to do without gas, the threat is empty, and those who control the taps will
       know that. ...

you can find the rest of the article @

'unity through diversity'

 Ron and Stephanie wrote:

From: "Ron and Stephanie" <ronandstphanie@...>

Just buy gas on Tuesdays, and it appears that you will be fine. LOL I am
hoping that the prices go down soon, I have 1050 miles worth of moving in

[email protected]

I am so confused with all the conflicting gas-out info.i want to help but am
functioning with limited brain capacity these days!
Homeschooling Mom to Tim, 13, Christian, 7, Jeremiah, 5 and Emmanuelle, 17

Ron and Stephanie

Just buy gas on Tuesdays, and it appears that you will be fine. LOL I am
hoping that the prices go down soon, I have 1050 miles worth of moving in

Susan I am

BUT truly less gas will be consumed and more people will be aware I am sure
Susan (POD)....THink about it, if people are told NOT to buy gas they will
become more aware of the gas and the automobile they are driving and how
expensive it REALLY is....just that one trip they DO not make could add up
to a lot of gas NOT bought