Nanci and Thomas Kuykendall

I have gotten as far as making sure
>everyone is invited and deciding there will be a treasure hunt... BUT, I am
>still looking for cool ideas that are party proven to work for 8-9 year old
>Also, I am trying to think of an alternative to the standad "goody bags"

I would surf the net and look up some of the sites that do birthdays and parties to go, or in a box, that kind of thing. They are a great way to get inspiration and a lot of them have cute ideas about party projects or kits to order, that sort of thing. Even if you do not order anything they are a great way to get ideas about what to do. Also I know there are books on the subject as well, so check the library.

Nanci K.

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Hi Joshua,
When my son was that age we had a fishing party... of course
he is very into that so it worked for us. We played that cheesy fishing game
but instead of a regular "goodie" bag they got fishing lures. They loved it
made them feel big. They also have small tackle boxes that they can put their
new lures and weights in:)

Teri Brown
Suite101 Unschooling Editor
Assistant Editor For Voices,
The Journal of the National Home Education Network
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Kira Williams

How about simple balsa wood airplanes they can then play with after making
them at the party? Or perhaps some sort of mousetrap
These are things we have enjoyed in the past.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Joshua Heath" <heathfam@...>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, March 18, 2000 2:20 PM
Subject: [Unschooling-dotcom] Re: Birthday Party Ideas

> From: "Joshua Heath" <heathfam@...>
> Hi all....
> My oldest son's 8th B day party is coming up SOON. (Next Thursday to be
> exact) (Thursday works since most of his "school" friends go to the
> school and they take thursday afternoons off.)
> In the past, my wife has taken on most of the actual planning and
> that goes into having a fun party. I have gotten as far as making sure
> everyone is invited and deciding there will be a treasure hunt... BUT, I
> still looking for cool ideas that are party proven to work for 8-9 year
> boys....
> Also, I am trying to think of an alternative to the standad "goody bags"
> that have become standard fare around here. Something like a little craft
> project they can take home, or a simple game etc.
> Any input or hot www links would be appreciated
> thanks,
> Joshua
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Hi Joshua,
My daughter went to a boy's party last year that had a
construction theme. It was really cute. I know all of the stuff was ordered
off the web, although I don't know the sight. They had the kind of yellow
tape you'd see at construction sights as streamers, a cake that looked like
a dirt road with plastic trucks on it, and they handed out hard hats and
little red flashers as favors. I'm sure you could expand on the idea by
putting a bunch of trucks in a sandbox, reading books on trucks, etc.
Anyway, have fun!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Joshua Heath" <heathfam@...>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, March 18, 2000 2:20 PM
Subject: [Unschooling-dotcom] Re: Birthday Party Ideas

> From: "Joshua Heath" <heathfam@...>
> Hi all....
> My oldest son's 8th B day party is coming up SOON. (Next Thursday to be
> exact) (Thursday works since most of his "school" friends go to the
> school and they take thursday afternoons off.)
> In the past, my wife has taken on most of the actual planning and
> that goes into having a fun party. I have gotten as far as making sure
> everyone is invited and deciding there will be a treasure hunt... BUT, I
> still looking for cool ideas that are party proven to work for 8-9 year
> boys....
> Also, I am trying to think of an alternative to the standad "goody bags"
> that have become standard fare around here. Something like a little craft
> project they can take home, or a simple game etc.
> Any input or hot www links would be appreciated
> thanks,
> Joshua
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Dear Joshua,
I know you have received a lot of good ideas
for your son's birthday party. Another good resource you can check into is
Donna Erickson's Prime Time books, both editions 1, and 2. She has some
fantastic ideas that are all related to working with children-- some ideas
include making plastic out of gelatin, making rainsticks, making items out
of bread clay, salt clay, etc... also, she has many ideas like making
windsocks, tie-dying shirts, making games , and more. You will find a
wealth of ideas, I'm sure! Hope you have a great party!!

Tracy Oldfield

I don't know if it would work for 8yo's although everyone (and it was a wide age range :-) ) at my dd's 4th last year enjoyed it, but I got little fairy cakes for them to decorate with the usual hundreds and thousands and stuff, instead of a big cake to blow out the candles on because she got that at Grandma's the next day.  So they had that to take home or eat there, whichever, instead of the slice of birthday cake.  The other thing we did was a 'treasure hunt,' not with clues, we hid little chocolates all around the house for them to find, unfortunately, a couple of the girls were really competitive, so some kids didn't get many.  The traditional pass the parcel and pin the tail on the donkey were ok, with prizes, also instead of the goody bag.  This meant that we could choose appropriate things for each guest, as I said they were varied in age range from 3 to 11yo.  I should give a mention to tons of stuff to do here, and tell Jenny I sent you :-)
From: "Joshua Heath" <heathfam@...>

Hi all....
My oldest son's 8th B day party is coming up SOON.  (Next Thursday to be
exact) (Thursday works since most of his "school" friends go to the waldorf
school and they take thursday afternoons off.)