
I am writing to thank all of you for being here. I first came to the list about a month ago, feeling frustrated with the way in which our first year of homeschooling had gone. it wasn't all bad, but I was in frequent power struggles with my oldest son, (5 yr. old) and couldn't get out of the mold we had squeezed into by having him attend Montessori School the year before. I had even gone to a few Montessori conferences and had planned on becoming a Montessori teacher in order to pay for my kids to go there. So when I changed my mind, pretty spontaneously, last Spring and told them not to expect either of us back next year, I set up my upstairs like a montessori classroom and wondered, months later, why it wasn't working. Ironically, I am one of those who decided to homeschool when my first son was still a baby because I read John Holt's Learning All the Time. So how did the whole Montessori interlude happen? I was afraid of not being able to talk to my oldest son, who I believed was very defensive and incapable of listening. ( I know) I wish I had reread Holt or come here so much earlier in the year. i have immersed myself in this loop and have had a thousand revelations as a result about all of the ways in which I am responsible for all of the power struggles we had. Since lurking here, I haven't been coaxing, demanding, whining or expecting. I have been lurking! That's it. Lurking here, lurking with the kids (unless asked to help with something)... I can't wait for the conference. I have talked two friends here into going who are not Unschoolers (yet!) and only hope that I will soon have some more local support. So far I know no one Unschooling around here. I knew that once I posted I wouldn't be able to shut up, so i apologize for going on. Just wanted to let you know that you have aided and abeted a unschooling evolution!

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In a message dated 6/1/03 10:14:57 AM, glad2bmadly@... writes:

<< Just wanted to let you know that you have aided and abeted a unschooling
-Madeline >>




> << Just wanted to let you know that you have aided and abeted a
> evolution!
> -Madeline >>
> Cool!!!
> Sandra

I first read that as "an unschooling Revolution!"

Also cool. <g>

Life is good.


From: "glad2bmadly" <glad2bmadly@...>

<<I knew that once I posted I wouldn't be able to shut up, so i apologize
for going on. Just wanted to let you know that you have aided and abeted a
unschooling evolution!>>

Well you sound so excited and happy! I'm happy for you. Don't feel bad about
not getting it sooner, you got it pretty quick and that makes all the
difference in the world. Enjoy!!

Mary B

Heidi Wordhouse-Dykema

Unschooing as Lurking, Lurking as unschooling...
A new way of thinking about it?
...lurking with the kids...
I think I like it.
Heidi - I'm off to do some kid-lurking!