[email protected]

Do any of you know where I can find out about my son's Spiderman video game?
He has the PC version, and is having trouble figuring out how to get all the
"suits" that you earn over time. He's been working on this game since
Christmas, and just can't figure out the last few. Someone said there is a "cheat"
web-site, but I can't find anything at Google. And don't see anything about video
games at Cheat.com. TIA, Lara...........


on 5/31/03 8:42 PM, Laramike12@... at Laramike12@... wrote:

> Do any of you know where I can find out about my son's Spiderman video game?


Type in the title and then click on the FAQ (or saves or cheats) next to the
name to get a list of them written by users.
