Alan & Brenda Leonard

5/28/03 19:47:

> Gotta have structure, IMO. NOt etched in stone, strictly followed,
> hour to hour scheduling. THAT doesn't work for anyone. But, you know,
> structure. Like, a load of laundry a day and shine your sink every
> day. Or, run the vacuum twice a week. Or maybe a daily goal of
> writing 1,000 words, if one has a longer term goal of being a writer.
> etc.
> Is THAT averse to the principles of unschooling?

Nope, that's called running my life. As long as I'm making these goals for
myself, choosing to follow them myself, and doing any self-clobbering for
not accomplishing them, it's my choice.

If I make the goals for my son, follow up on whether he's done them, and
institute punishment for failure to accomplish the goals, then it's not
unschooling. It's not his choice.

I run my life. He runs his. They look very different, but we're good with
