[email protected]

kbcdlovejo@... writes:
<< Cameron was *such* an easy child. I, too, thought that *I* was the perfect
parent. Everyone else was just doing it WRONG!

Then I had Duncan. <g>

Oh, you were the victim of the Creators' master plan to birth as many
children as possible to unschooling parents!

I always joke around that the birthing Goddess gave me Alex *first*, a happy,
content, gorgeous child, to "trick" me into having more children.

Muahaha.....I found Her out in time, lol.
I have one child, and the hubby is fixed.



From: <AimeeL73@...>

<<Oh, you were the victim of the Creators' master plan to birth as many
children as possible to unschooling parents!
I always joke around that the birthing Goddess gave me Alex *first*, a
content, gorgeous child, to "trick" me into having more children.
Muahaha.....I found Her out in time, lol.
I have one child, and the hubby is fixed. >>

And in my case, I think my higher being was testing me to see how much I
really wanted children. My first was absolutely a chore. My own mom says she
never thought I would have any more children after Tara. The first 2 years
were very trying. I went on to have 3 more. All of them most agreable
babies. I was rewarded in plenty of ways!

Mary B

[email protected]

<< I always joke around that the birthing Goddess gave me Alex *first*, a


content, gorgeous child, to "trick" me into having more children. >>

Maybe Marty was my reward for putting up with Kirby!
It was a gamble I won. <g>
(And now that they're older they're both easy to live with.)
