Alan & Brenda Leonard

5/22/03 07:17:

> The only reason he will give as to why he will
> not shower is "because I don't want to" Basically, he does not want to take
> the time to do it. Lots of folks would call it "too lazy".

Is it laziness, or does he just not feel like it? I don't think I'm lazy,
per se, but there are days I just do not feel like bothering with getting in
the shower, getting all wet, getting my hair all wet (tho I probably have
more hair than he does!), and all that. I'm conditioned to take a shower
every couple days or so, so it's not like I smell. But I can understand
where he's coming from.

My husband would probably love a shower right now, since he's in a place
where he's not getting any! However, your son might try out the military's
favorite, which is a baby wipes shower. Call it a marine shower, they do,
and it might go over better. Not the fancy (expensive) anti-bacterial kind,
but a few of the cheapies, wiped over most smelly body parts and in joints
(elbows, knees, etc.) that sweat, too, will vastly improve B.O., and isn't
quite so much effort as a shower.

Just an idea...


At 10:39 5/22/03 +0200, Brenda wrote:
>My husband would probably love a shower right now, since he's in a place
>where he's not getting any! However, your son might try out the military's
>favorite, which is a baby wipes shower. Call it a marine shower, they do,
>and it might go over better. Not the fancy (expensive) anti-bacterial kind,
>but a few of the cheapies, wiped over most smelly body parts and in joints
>(elbows, knees, etc.) that sweat, too, will vastly improve B.O., and isn't
>quite so much effort as a shower.
>Just an idea...

We lived in a place a few years ago where our well became fouled with oil
that leaked out of the water pump. There was nothing we could do but let
the water run out through a garden hose until the oil finally cleared. It
took a l_o_n_g time. We could not use our water at all for anything other
than flushing the toilet for about 3 months. It was another 3 months on
top of that before we could use our shower. We took showers at our
wonderful neighbors' house, but we couldn't do that too often, being really
sensitive about becoming a nuisance. What we did was use bottled water and
a washcloth. My husband call them "birdbaths." Man, when you can't take a
shower, there's nothing like taking one!

Brenda, I hope with all my heart that your husband gets to enjoy a long,
hot, steamy shower soon!


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Alan & Brenda Leonard

5/24/03 02:50:

> Brenda, I hope with all my heart that your husband gets to enjoy a long,
> hot, steamy shower soon!

I'm not counting on it. He's in Kuwait, waiting to move to Iraq. Right
now, he'll settle for getting email soon. A long, hot shower is probably
unforseeable future.

Your well water problems sound like a real pain, though. Everybody my
husband is with has the same problem. But trying to make do in "polite
society" is a lot harder.



At 09:04 5/24/03 +0200, Brenda wrote:
>5/24/03 02:50:
>Your well water problems sound like a real pain, though. Everybody my
>husband is with has the same problem. But trying to make do in "polite
>society" is a lot harder.

I like to think back on that period of time as proof to myself that I can
do anything if I have to. We had to have the walls of our bathtub replaced
last summer, and what we were told would be a 4- to 5-day job turned into a
couple of weeks that we had to go without using our shower (we eventually
finished the job ourselves, another story altogether). Friends were
sympathetic, but I kept telling them, "This is nuthin'!" Besides, we have
a swimming pool! Liam was never cleaner! <g>


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