Karen McLaughlin

Thought some of you might like to check this out. A radio show done by a local (Hamilton, ON) unschooling family. Old shows are available to listen to if you look in the archives.

----- Original Message -----
From: Randy Kay and Beatrice Ekwa Ekoko
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:@...;
Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2003 9:49 AM
Subject: [HamiltonHomeschool] Radio Free School - Take chances, make mistakes, get messy: best of rfs the first year!

rfs "Take chances, make mistakes, get messy": Best of Radio Free School's first year! Wednesday, May 21, 2003.
From our first show, May 22, 2002 "I don't like the idea of school" including J.R.R. Tolkien reading "Riddles in the Dark" from The Hobbit
music - "What did you learn in school today?", Tom Paxton, Best of Broadside
From the "Poo Poo" show with Ian Kerr-Wilson, curator Museum of Steam and Technology "Sitting Pretty: the history of the toilet"
"A piece of pie," The Frantics, Boot To the Head.
From "Lost Geography of childhood space" "The Streets Are Free" (original title "La Calle es Libre"). Story by Kurusa, Illustrations Monika Doppert, Translation Karen Englander. Annick, Scarborough, 1985.
music - "parkette," Bob Snider, Caterwaul and Doggerel
From "For the Birds" Jean Johnson
From "Ballet and Beyond" Caleigh Kierstead, Evelyna Kay
music - Tchaikovsky "Swan Lake" (excerpts)
From "Are you ready for Erhu?" Jingwen Xue
"Astronomy and You" Bronwyn, Madeleine, Evelyna
music - "Spec Bebop" Yo La Tengo, I can hear the heart beating as one
"Scuba and Learning to Bike" Madeleine and Evelyna Kay
"Take the Power Back: Homeschooling" Kelly Hilton
music - "Take the Power Back" Rage Against the Machine.

Big thanks to all who have shared their interests, talents, and skills -- and especially their obsessions -- with us in the last year.
For a complete listing of all our shows please visit us at www.hwcn.org/~ap951


RADIO FREE SCHOOL an all volunteer show by, for and about Home Learners. Check out our web site at www.hwcn.org/~ap951/

Contact us at grassroots@... or P.O. Box 19, 1280 Main Street West, Hamilton ON, L8S 1C0.
Every Wednesday at 12 noon to 12:30 pm (EST) on CFMU 93.3 FM - Listen live on the web at http://cfmu.mcmaster.ca;

Fridays 930am (California Time) on Free Radio Santa Cruz 96.3 FM , California http://members.cruzio.com/~frsc/

Tuesdays from 1:00 - 1:30pm in Fredricton, New Brunswick on CHSR 97.9 FM http://www.unb.ca/chsr/home.html

CFUR FM 88.7 UNBC/CNC Campus/Community Radio http://www.DigYourRoots.ca/

Radio Lava Lamp from Osaka, Japan at http://www.rinku.zaq.ne.jp/bkaec205/

and searchable for download at http://www.radio4all.net


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Diane Nash

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Cathy Hilde

I have a friend relocating to Fort Worth area. They are considering
homeschooling their 11 year old daughter (who is currently in ps) who was
born with down syndrome. They would like to connect with other families in
the area to discuss homeschooling. Can anyone help?

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