[email protected]

In a message dated 5/16/03 8:33:35 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
mummy124@... writes:

> They think smoking is really stupid. I hope
> they continue to think that. If not, I'll just see what happens when it
> comes.
> Mary B

I was hesitant to share it, for fear of offending smokers that may be on the
list.. But, what Mary said (above) is exactly how my kids feel too. I asked
Landon and Anna, why don't you guys smoke? I said, "I mean, really, I never
worry about it, maybe I should" Landon said, "Mom, your kids are not going
to smoke because we are smart. Only stupid people smoke, smoking is just..
.... stupid" I said.. "well, your Grandpa Blalock smoked" Landon said,
"uhh, well, he also just died, I loved him, but.. well, smoking is stupid"
Then, Landon said.. "Stephen King smokes... (long pause) .. I guess he is
stupid too, in that regard"

Honestly, I think smoking is stupid too. I think alcohol abuse is stupid. I
think drug abuse is stupid. Landon attributes a lot of "peer pressure
induced stupidity" to "weak minds" He thinks kids who can't handle peer
pressure or just the stuff life hands out are weak and .. well , stupid. I
have made some pretty dumb choices in my life, BUT, I always recognized the
stupidity of my mistakes and learned to TRY to not make them again.

While we were at the beach this week, a college age girl came down to the
pool. She was with a man in his late 40s ( my guess at his age) She was dog
drunk, couldnt walk without help, was giggling and cackling loudly and
basically acting like a fool. Anna said, "Moma, whats wrong with that girl?"
I said.."Oh, she is drunk" Anna watched her for a few more minutes and
said.. "Yeah, you're right, she IS drunk, she has a drink in her hand". I
said.. "yeah" Then Anna said.. "GOD, she looks stupid, does she not know
how crazy she looks??" I said, "nah, she probably doesnt even realize."
Anna said.. " I am never going to get drunk, what is fun about that??, she
really looks like a fool" I said, "well, yeah, she does, I just hope she
doesn't get hurt". Anna said "Moma did you ever get drunk before?" I said.
"yeah, a couple of times when I was in high school, and I'm sure I looked
stupid too" She said, "I'm glad I never saw you drunk, cause that would make
me feel bad" I said "Oh, I know, honey, and honestly, it was NOT fun when I
got drunk and I felt like an idiot, thats why I never got drunk again" She
said "good".

Landon was broke tonight, so he went over to a friends house to watch old
Animaniacs videos.. What a hoot.. 16 year olds watching old cartoons..
Pretty smart if you ask me :-)


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