[email protected]

We've been pretty busy out of the house this week, hitting garage sales and
running errands. Trevor is really into world geography right now and has been
playing some free US and world games I downloaded at yourchildlearns.com. He
knows where many obscure (at least to me!) world landmarks are and uses the
world map on the wall a lot.
We went to the Van Gogh exhibit at the art museum yesterday..really cool.
Our tour guide was sorta dull but she did mention the red poppies that Van
Gogh included in some of his paintings and we had fun finding them. Trevor
didn't care much about all the paintings of fields but he really like the
poster of The Starry Night we asw in the gift shop.
We're going to dissect our owl pellets this afternoon before I go into
Amy Kagey
Email me for a list
of used homeschooling books!

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