Gary & Lisa Williams

> If you just let her choose what to read, decide where she might like to
> consider things she might want to try? What would happen? What would she
> choose? Pretend it's Saturday tomorrow, and the day after, and the day
> after that, too. Heck, figure it's Saturday for the next month! I dare
> to try and keep her from learning anything in the next month! <bwg>
> brenda

Thanks Brenda! I didn't have to wait a month! I just told her that today
she could choose what she wanted to do and if I could help her at all let me
know. She was a little suspicous at first and even asked if this included
not doing math. So I got busy doing something and I see that she is typing
furiously at the computer. After a while I casually walk over to see what's
up and she is on the sixth page of a movie script!! And it was pretty good
too....several characters and neat story line. PLUS she can type a heck of
a lot faster than I can. <g>
And I took the little guy to the library and just followed him around. He
skipped the kid section and found encylopedia type picture books on
freshwater fish. He just had to get those! And some Magic School Bus
So I guess there is something to this unschooling stuff! <bwg> I am so
thankful for all your posts and encouragement. I'll be reading!...