Alan & Brenda Leonard

5/11/03 05:24:

> Please send good thoughts my way - I can't find dh's passport, and
> Jayn's birth certificate, although my "papers" are where I thought I
> left them. I remember deciding months ago to take them out of the
> stationery storage box and put them ????? for safe keeping..but what did
> I then do?

I'll send you good thoughts for finding things, but if it's any reassurance,
$50 will get your dh a new passport and probably about $10 will replace the
birth certificate from the registrar of birth's office.

I try to think of how easy to replace things are that I lose, because then I
relax and find them. It's like they're laughing at me that I DO care, and
when I don't care, they get offended and jump up in sight again! <g>


jmcseals SEALS

<<It's like they're laughing at me that I DO care, and
when I don't care, they get offended and jump up in sight again! <g>>>

How true is THAT! I lost my Visa a few weeks ago and finally gave up and
figured I'd find it some day. (Knew it was in the house, taken by little
sticky fingers. <g>) I lost my money a couple of days ago. Yesterday, my
grandfather brought me $300 to replace it in the meantime and guess what?
Found it! Oh and found the visa card while looking for the money last
night. Odd.


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