[email protected]

In a message dated 5/9/2003 4:52:41 PM Eastern Standard Time,
dezigna@... writes:

> Yeah. If I hear one more teacher whine that she "only makes
> $37,000". Grrrr. For a job where you're home by three, have
> weekends off and a "year" is 36 weeks, $37,000 is decent money

The very people (military) that protect our great country dont even make this

When one goes to school to be a teacher I would imagine they have looked into
what this pays and had done some research. Right?

I know people here in town that are horrible role models that have chosen
The problem is that not all teachers are monsters but a good many have shown
that there are more bad ones than there should be.
My sister is dealing with one in UT right now. She is verbally abusive daily
and making kids carry heavy items as a punishment. Then asking my sisters
daughter AFTER she was told to knock it off , "Well if your hands hurt so bad
then how did you do PE?" Due process, my ass, fire her now! This is Public
school funded by the people it is wrong!

I look at it this way if one cannot teach and uphold the contract they signed
get off the chalk board and find a different profession. Oh but wait....they
would make less.....

All I want is the funds the school got to keep my son in the resource room to
force him read Dick and Jane.
I should have my salary doubled cuz he is reading novels now. HUH!

Laura D
Thinking out loud again........

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