jmcseals SEALS

Did anyone happen to catch ZOOM today on PBS??? It's on righ now, here, and
they are talking about homeschoolers. The family shown did the whole report
card thing, etc. but it was interesting, to say the least. During the round
table, the kids were discussing homeschooling and I swear one of those
girls, for sure, had to have been coached as to what to say. She talked
about friends and the whole socialization scare. Although one boy did say
he wasn't a big fan of school and how cool it would be to be able to wake up
and go, "Hey Mom, I saw this really cool thing on tv last night and I'd like
to learn more about it!" There was a lot of discussion focused on the extra
attention children get.

I'm blabbing, but was interested if any of you happened to catch it. My
kids came and got me to tell me about it, so I ran in and we watched it


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We have 25 minutes of the show left. Holly's off at the park playing with
other homeschoolers, but I threw a tape on to record in her room. She loves