D Klement

Got this in my e-mail today from Learning Kingdom. thought it might be
worth a look.

> Teachers and Homeschoolers -- are your students cyber-miles ahead of
> you? Let the Copernicus Newsletter Center keep you up to speed. Sign
> up for FREE weekly newsletters with links to lesson plans, online
> activity suggestions, featured articles, and best-of-the-Web
> educational sites. Register for Elementary Update, Middle School
> Bulletin, or The Electronic Classroom at: http://www.EdGate.com/edunews

The Klement Family "Education is what survives when
Darryl, Debbie, what has been learned has been
Kathleen, Nathan & forgotten"
Samantha B.F. Skinner in "New Scientist".
e-mail- klement@...
Canadian homeschool page: http:\\www.flora.org/homeschool-ca/
Ont. Federation of Teaching Parents: http:\\www.flora.org/oftp/


In a message dated 2/25/00 9:59:12 AM Eastern Standard Time,
klement@... writes:

<< Got this in my e-mail today from Learning Kingdom. thought it might be
worth a look.
Buzz >>
Thanks a LOT Buzz! my LOOK, took 2 hours, and I had to stop cause I was
going blind! LOL. Seriously, this is a great site, and leads to so much
more. My oldest is into computer stuff, knows way more then me. We just
found a person who recycles old printers and puters, rebuilds them and such,
he is going to teach the boys how to build a computer. They are very
excited, the oldest for sure, the youngest is just doing whatever his brother
does! Right now I am trying to find sites that would teach how to use spread
sheets and make graphs. There is a project on the site you sent, where they
have to do that, and I don't know how, so need some tech sites that teach
this, anyone know of any such thing?