( and I address to Mary, personally, because it this is in regards to her

When you said" I have no interests that are soley my own" Did you mean, that
you have no interests that you do not share with someone else in your family?
In other words, there are lots of things you like to do, but at least one
other person in your family enjoys doing them too? From what I tried to
understand from your explanation of your comments, that was how I understood

I know that is how it is in my family ( with me). I tried to think and
think.. ( and, if we don't count "alone stuff" like reading, computer time,
etc) everything I like to do, at least one other person in my family enjoys
it too. Even with reading and puter stuff, we will discuss things, share
things we find interesting, recommend stuff that we thing each other will
like. I like to sew and do crafts. My children learned right alongside of me
as I "done my thing". Now, Anna likes to sew too and we do projectst
together. Same thing with cooking... Now my children will help me cook or
do thier own "projects" Pretty much everything I enjoy doing, my kids
joined in with me and began to enjoy them too. Of course, not every one of
them likes everything I do.. LOL., but there is usually at least one of them
that does.

When my children were younger, I did go out with the "girls" occasionally.
I still do, but now that Anna is older, she enjoys girls night out too, so
she goes along if she wants to. If I want to go shopping, or to a movie, or
out to eat, at least one of my children want to go along, and it's always
lots of fun. When they were younger, I needed more "breaks" from them.
Just going out shopping alone for an hour. Maybe lunch with a friend.. Now,
I don't need that because they are so much more independent.

It's funny, when I think about it, there are very few interests that my
family does not share. Sure, we all have our "special" things.. things that
we like A LOT more than anyone else in the family, but still , on some level,
we all share them.

For instance, Landon is a sports cracker, or a whip enthusiast. ( its a
long story). but, basically, he collects whips and he "performs" with them.
( no, no, not in the BDSM way.. lol) Its a "Western Performing Art" .. also
considered a Circus Art. ANYWAY, he is wayyy into his whips. No one else
in our family does the whip thing, we can't crack em like he does.. lol, but
we do all really enjoy watching him do his routines. We are enthusiastic
about his new whips and we will help him target practice or "wrap" us.

My husband collects and restores vintage bicycles. Sometimes it kind of
bugs me the amount of time he spends with those bikes. lol.. But, Ethan and
JP really love those bikes too. Ethan is learning how to restore the bikes
and lots of mechanical stuff. We always keep an eye out for bikes for DH to
add to his collection.

JP and Ethan like video games. The rest of us really could care less about
sitting down and playing games. But, we will watch them play, listen to thier
"stories" about thier games, and help with technical stuff. I look up
cheat codes for them and take them to the "game store". JP plays baseball.
We go watch him practice, and we go to the games and cheer him on. We
play with him at home and help him "practice"

Anna loves babies and baby sitting. Little babies are the about the least
exciting thing to Ethan and JP.. But, they are so proud of thier sister and
her "jobs". Ethan will help Anna babysit for her nieces and nephews just to
help her out.

So, yeah, everybody has thier own interests ( except me. LOL..) But we all
share them in some way. And there are LOTS AND LOTS more things that we all
enjoy doing together: camping, riding bikes, going to the beach, going to the
movies, boating, hiking, amusement parks... Gosh, I know there is more.. but
thats all I can think of right now.

SO, back to the original question.. lol.. about "sole interests". That was
how I interpretted Marys post. I may be off base about what she meant..
But, when I say, " I don't have any interests that are solely my own"
^^^^^^ all that up there is what I mean. :-)


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


From: <grlynbl@...>

<< Mary,
( and I address to Mary, personally, because it this is in regards to her

When you said" I have no interests that are soley my own" Did you mean,
you have no interests that you do not share with someone else in your
In other words, there are lots of things you like to do, but at least one
other person in your family enjoys doing them too? From what I tried to
understand from your explanation of your comments, that was how I understood

That's exactly it. Plenty of interests and plenty of people here that at
least one shares them with me. Even my love of medical knowlege is shared
with my son Joseph. There hasn't been anything so far that someone here
does't like to do or investigate right along with me. I'm sure there will
come a time when that might happen, but so far no. And yes before children,
it did happen!

Mary B

I really enjoyed reading about your families' interests, Teresa, the bicycles
and whip-performances and baby interest. Holly *loves* babies too.

You should post about those things more often. It was really interesting.
