jmcseals SEALS

Okay, I'm feeling lonely here. :( Am I the only one in Texas? I think I'm
living in the WRONG dang state!

Jennifer, pouting

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In a message dated 4/27/03 10:19:53 AM, jmcseals@... writes:

<< Okay, I'm feeling lonely here. :( Am I the only one in Texas? >>

Yes, you are.


Seems there have been actively-posting Texans from time to time. But at the
moment you are the main delegate!


jmcseals SEALS

Well, I *think* I have my hubby hog-tied into going to the SC conference, so
at least I won't be lonely for long....I guess...

I've been TRYING to get an unschooling group going here but have had a
whopping TWO responses. We have those who *say* they unschool but it looks
to be far from any unschooling I've ever seen. Most people here, or at
least those I have met, think themselves unschoolers by way of no set
schedule to their schoolishness.

Just call ME the Lone Star. I just need to open my Texas-sized mouth and
start preaching the wonders of unschooling.


<< Okay, I'm feeling lonely here. :( Am I the only one in Texas? >>

Yes, you are.


Seems there have been actively-posting Texans from time to time. But at the
moment you are the main delegate!


The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE*

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


From: "jmcseals SEALS" <jmcseals@...>

<< Just call ME the Lone Star. I just need to open my Texas-sized mouth and
start preaching the wonders of unschooling.>>

I'm pretty much with you on this one. Although there are others from my
state here, I'm the only one who unschools that I know of in my immediate
area. (county) I've been trying to get together with other unschoolers at a
park for years and haven't found one real unschooling family yet here.

Mary B

In a message dated 4-27-2003 10:19:56 AM Mountain Daylight Time,
jmcseals@... writes:

> Okay, I'm feeling lonely here. :( Am I the only one in Texas? I think I'm
> living in the WRONG dang state!
> Jennifer, pouting

You may be alone in Texas, but you're not the only *ONLY* ~ I've yet to see
anyone else from South Dakota either, though I know they're out there,
hiding... hee hee hee

Too bad the MT conference isn't in Eastern MT, just a hop skip and a jump
from me in the Black Hills :)

Utah isn't too far for me to drive, either :)
The wackiest widow westriver...
“I prefer to be true to myself, even at the hazard of incurring the ridicule
of others, rather than to be false, and to incur my own abhorrence.”
--Frederick Douglass

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

jmcseals SEALS

I'd love to move to MA!! My husband is wimping out on me because of the
cold weather. Bah! I couldn't do HI, though, the sunshine and hot weather
depress me. And the sand...AH! I'd go nuts with sand on every inch of
everything. Give me someplace cold, never above 80, with lots of rain and
cloudy days and I'm THERE! <bg>


The new MSN 8: smart spam protection and 2 months FREE*

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


From: "jmcseals SEALS" <jmcseals@...>

<<Give me someplace cold, never above 80, with lots of rain and cloudy days
and I'm THERE! <bg>>

Well shucks that's just down right depressing!! I hear Seattle may be nice!

Mary B (from PA to FL and here to stay!!)

coyote's corner

shush your mouth!!
Texas is great......
Where in Texas are you??
----- Original Message -----
From: jmcseals SEALS
Sent: Sunday, April 27, 2003 12:18 PM
Subject: [Unschooling-dotcom] Where do you live??

Okay, I'm feeling lonely here. :( Am I the only one in Texas? I think I'm
living in the WRONG dang state!

Jennifer, pouting

The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE*

Yahoo! Groups Sponsor

~~~~ Don't forget! If you change topics, change the subject line! ~~~~

If you have questions, concerns or problems with this list, please email the moderator, Joyce Fetteroll (fetteroll@...), or the list owner, Helen Hegener (HEM-Editor@...).

To unsubscribe from this group, click on the following link or address an email to:

Visit the Unschooling website:

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


--- In, SandraDodd@a... wrote:
>> Seems there have been actively-posting Texans from time to time.
But at the moment you are the main delegate!>>

Don't feel bad. I've ALWAYS been the only one here from Utah!

Life is good.

Deborah Lewis

***Too bad the MT conference isn't in Eastern MT, just a hop skip and a
from me in the Black Hills :) ***

It's not really a conference. I guess we could call it a conference.
It'll be six or seven of us camping for a weekend and watching our kids
play. Maybe we'll sing around the campfire. Maybe we'll read aloud
from our favorite unschoolish books. We'll talk about life. We'll eat
together... Ok, it's a conference.

My sister lives in eastern MT and I'm going that way this summer. It
would be fun to take Dylan to "Bear Country" and Jewel Cave Nat'l

Deb L


Actually the area we live in is called Upcountry Maui (2200 ft
elevation) and is not usually above 80, cloudy every afternoon, rains
quite a bit and is green, green, green. One of the reasons we chose
to move here is that it reminds me of Massachusetts in the summer.
Unfortunately it doesn't have the rest of the seasons which I really
miss. We also don't have sand everywhere. :) BTW, I could never
live down at the ocean it's way to humid and hot for me.

--- In, "jmcseals SEALS"
<jmcseals@m...> wrote:
I couldn't do HI, though, the sunshine and hot
> depress me. And the sand...AH! I'd go nuts with sand on every
inch of
> everything. Give me someplace cold, never above 80, with lots of
rain and
> cloudy days and I'm THERE! <bg>
> Jennifer

In a message dated 4/27/2003 2:43:24 PM Eastern Standard Time,
KathrynJB@... writes:

> Hey, Jennifer, move to Massachusetts! Apparently even people from Hawaii are
> dying to be here!
> Kathryn

LOL, Hey I have an idea we can all house swap! lol


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

In a message dated 4/27/03 12:59:59 PM, HaHaMommy@... writes:

<< You may be alone in Texas, but you're not the only *ONLY* ~ I've yet to

anyone else from South Dakota either, though I know they're out there,

hiding... hee hee hee >>

Hey, yeah, but aren't there about as many people in South Dakota as there are
in the 53rd biggest city in Texas? <bwg>

Wait---I thought that wasn't fair, to make Diana feel better at Jennifer's
expense, so I checked. South Dakota would be the FOURTH largest city in
Texas (since they split out suburbs when they counted).


In a message dated 4/27/03 12:59:59 PM, jmcseals@... writes:

<< Give me someplace cold, never above 80, with lots of rain and
cloudy days and I'm THERE! <bg> >>

San Francisco.


--- In, "jmcseals SEALS"

>>Give me someplace cold, never above 80, with lots of rain and
cloudy days and I'm THERE! <bg> >>

Come move with me to Oregon!!

Life is good.
~Mary, who thinks we're really gonna make it there this time. Things
are happening!


--- In, HaHaMommy@a... wrote:
>> Utah isn't too far for me to drive, either :) >>

Well then come on over! We love unschooling company. And our house is
even squeaky clean as it's on the market right now. :o)

Life is good.

jmcseals SEALS

Yes, well, no one ever accused me of being normal!

<<Give me someplace cold, never above 80, with lots of rain and cloudy days
and I'm THERE! <bg>

Well shucks that's just down right depressing!! I hear Seattle may be

Add photos to your e-mail with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

jmcseals SEALS

I'm in Hurst, in the DFW metroplex. Come stay with me in August when it's
111 degrees and we'll talk! <g> I probably shouls shush my mouth, though.
I've whined about being here all my life. LOL


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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

jmcseals SEALS

<<<<<Come move with me to Oregon!!!>>>>

Can 9 people fit in your suitcase and crash in the closet?? If so, count me
in!!! LOL!

Jennifer, whose husband spent all winter on the eastern seaboard and is a
big whiney baby about cold weather now. Grrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!

MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 2 months FREE*

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

jmcseals SEALS


You could come live in an unschooling community with me :-)


Now THAT is a place I'd cut off a leg to move to! I have ALWAYS wanted to,
at the very least, visit England. I'm trying to talk my husband into a 10th
anniversary there. That gives us a year and a half to save money and plan.
(Keeping my fingers crossed!!!)

We spent a month in Alaska in '00 and I STILL cry when I think of it. I'm
scared if I go to England I'll go insane after coming 'home' to Texas. (I
think I've whined about this before, right? LOL)


Protect your PC - get VirusScan Online

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


jmcseals SEALS wrote:

> I'd love to move to MA!! My husband is wimping out on me because of the
> cold weather. Bah! I couldn't do HI, though, the sunshine and hot weather
> depress me. And the sand...AH! I'd go nuts with sand on every inch of
> everything. Give me someplace cold, never above 80, with lots of rain and
> cloudy days and I'm THERE! <bg>
> Jennifer


You could come live in an unschooling community with me :-)


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


--- In, "jmcseals SEALS"
<jmcseals@m...> wrote:
> I'm in Hurst, in the DFW metroplex. >>

I'm clueless. What state is this again?

Life is good.

coyote's corner

I dream of Christmas in England.
Now, that's odd for an Azorean pagan pow wow trader!
----- Original Message -----
From: jmcseals SEALS
Sent: Sunday, April 27, 2003 6:08 PM
Subject: Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] Re: Where do you live??


You could come live in an unschooling community with me :-)


Now THAT is a place I'd cut off a leg to move to! I have ALWAYS wanted to,
at the very least, visit England. I'm trying to talk my husband into a 10th
anniversary there. That gives us a year and a half to save money and plan.
(Keeping my fingers crossed!!!)

We spent a month in Alaska in '00 and I STILL cry when I think of it. I'm
scared if I go to England I'll go insane after coming 'home' to Texas. (I
think I've whined about this before, right? LOL)


Protect your PC - get VirusScan Online

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Yahoo! Groups Sponsor

~~~~ Don't forget! If you change topics, change the subject line! ~~~~

If you have questions, concerns or problems with this list, please email the moderator, Joyce Fetteroll (fetteroll@...), or the list owner, Helen Hegener (HEM-Editor@...).

To unsubscribe from this group, click on the following link or address an email to:

Visit the Unschooling website:

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

jmcseals SEALS

Texas. DFW is Dallas-Ft. Worth. Sorry about that, I just assume everyone
knows that! Duh me! <g>


Protect your PC - get VirusScan Online

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

In a message dated 04/27/2003 11:59:16 AM Central Daylight Time,
SandraDodd@... writes:

> In a message dated 4/27/03 10:19:53 AM, jmcseals@... writes:
> << Okay, I'm feeling lonely here. :( Am I the only one in Texas? >>
> Yes, you are.
> <g>
> Seems there have been actively-posting Texans from time to time. But at
> the
> moment you are the main delegate!
> Sandra

I'm not terribly active (yet), but I'm in Texas -- Houston, as a matter of
fact. Where are you, Jennifer?

Laura B.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

jmcseals SEALS

Hi Laura!

I'm in Hurst, very near Arlington/Ft. Worth. My dad's side of the family
lives in Houston, so we ought to meet up next time I'm down! Compared to
the distance to everyone else, a four hour drive is a piece of cake! <g>

Glad you chimed in!

Protect your PC - get VirusScan Online

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

In a message dated 04/27/2003 7:59:56 PM Central Daylight Time,
jmcseals@... writes:

> Hi Laura!
> I'm in Hurst, very near Arlington/Ft. Worth. My dad's side of the family
> lives in Houston, so we ought to meet up next time I'm down! Compared to
> the distance to everyone else, a four hour drive is a piece of cake! <g>
> Glad you chimed in!
> Jennifer

Hi Jennifer --

I think meeting sounds like fun. Do you have any flexibility on the days of
the week you can come? I was part of a group that started up a new
unschooling support group here in Houston last fall. F.R.E.E. (Fun and
Relaxed -- the Essence of Education) meets on the second Wednesday of the
month from 11 am - 2 pm. It would be fun to see you there, of course, but we
can set up anything, anytime.

Do you have much of an unschooling support system up there? And how old are
your child(ren)?

Laura B.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

In a message dated 4/27/2003 4:25:12 PM Eastern Standard Time,
mkshields@... writes:

> Actually the area we live in is called Upcountry Maui (2200 ft
> elevation) and is not usually above 80, cloudy every afternoon, rains
> quite a bit and is green, green, green. One of the reasons we chose
> to move here is that it reminds me of Massachusetts in the summer.
> Unfortunately it doesn't have the rest of the seasons which I really
> miss. We also don't have sand everywhere. :) BTW, I could never
> live down at the ocean it's way to humid and hot for me.
> Kristin

New England is wicked Humid! My sister moved to Utah (W. Valley) ten years
ago and will not come back because she says it is very humid here. I have
spent the last seven telling her nah, you just remember it that way but it
really is not. lol Sadly she came in August of this year and reminded me of
what I had been saying to her. Darn......


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


and don't you think the repetetive sounds of the surf all the time
would just get on your NERVES?



--- In, "jmcseals SEALS"
<jmcseals@m...> wrote:
> I'd love to move to MA!! My husband is wimping out on me because
of the
> cold weather. Bah! I couldn't do HI, though, the sunshine and hot
> depress me. And the sand...AH! I'd go nuts with sand on every
inch of
> everything. Give me someplace cold, never above 80, with lots of
rain and
> cloudy days and I'm THERE! <bg>
> Jennifer
> _________________________________________________________________
> The new MSN 8: smart spam protection and 2 months FREE*
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Wow, that sounds like fun.

whereabouts you planning on doing that? If it's western MT, it might
be doable for us, depending on the chickens.


--- In, Deborah Lewis
<ddzimlew@j...> wrote:
> ***Too bad the MT conference isn't in Eastern MT, just a hop skip
and a
> jump
> from me in the Black Hills :) ***
> It's not really a conference. I guess we could call it a
> It'll be six or seven of us camping for a weekend and watching our
> play. Maybe we'll sing around the campfire. Maybe we'll read
> from our favorite unschoolish books. We'll talk about life. We'll
> together... Ok, it's a conference.
> My sister lives in eastern MT and I'm going that way this summer.
> would be fun to take Dylan to "Bear Country" and Jewel Cave Nat'l
> Monument.
> Deb L