Deborah Lewis

If you're in Idaho, you're not too far from me, maybe, in Montana.

There is a small, loose, radical group of Montana unschoolers and we are
currently planning, rather chaotically, a summer get together. You'd be
welcome to join us.

There is a Montana unschooling list although only about nine of the
thirty something people are regular posters, and only about four or five
of those are unschoolers. It started well, really it did, it just
morphed to include more eclectic homeschooler who didn't fit into the
other VERY religious list.

Dana is the list owner. Are you here Dana? She's a rabid unschooler.

Anyway, I'm in Deer Lodge, our little camping deal may be in September,
we're still working on it, and should be in western MT somewhere. Is
that clear? <g>

Deb L

The Burton Bunch

Yup...keep me posted - we love to travel in September!
Jinger in Twin Falls
----- Original Message -----
From: Deborah Lewis
Sent: Sunday, April 27, 2003 9:15 AM
Subject: [Unschooling-dotcom] Idaho folks

If you're in Idaho, you're not too far from me, maybe, in Montana.

There is a small, loose, radical group of Montana unschoolers and we are
currently planning, rather chaotically, a summer get together. You'd be
welcome to join us.

There is a Montana unschooling list although only about nine of the
thirty something people are regular posters, and only about four or five
of those are unschoolers. It started well, really it did, it just
morphed to include more eclectic homeschooler who didn't fit into the
other VERY religious list.

Dana is the list owner. Are you here Dana? She's a rabid unschooler.

Anyway, I'm in Deer Lodge, our little camping deal may be in September,
we're still working on it, and should be in western MT somewhere. Is
that clear? <g>

Deb L

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